
I’d love to see a different movie series or new take on JP/JW (very much minus fucking Chris Pratt, fine in some roles, beyond ghastly in those movies), which had more dinosaur-like dinosaurs.

Thank you Zack for calling out Trespasser in the headline!

Ah man it bombed? Fuck. I kept meaning to go and see it but I didn’t.

I watched those in the early 1990s, but y’know, nice attempt at being a smartass.

Yeah it’s fascinating how “bad writers” and “female-lead movies” seem to associated so closely, and how movies which fucking terrible writing but which are about dudes doing dude stuff frequently get let off completely on their writing quality, often with elaborate excuses about how they’re “just fun” or whatever.

Dude, Germain did not make up the meaning of the term “genre” in this context.

I think by your repeated references to Hot Fuzz you mean Shaun of the Dead, because otherwise this is a very different movie to what it seems to be.

Fascinating re: Spirited. I’d been avoiding the fuck out of that despite weirdly really liking the use of colour in the adverts I’d seen for it. I’d just assumed Ryan Reynolds + Will Ferrell (both fine comedic actors) + Apple money + Christmas = super-safe boredom, but I’ll give it a shot.

Can you give a specific example of “black face” being used inappropriately by Americans? I’m curious about that. I’ve not seen one yet, but that’s because so many Americans, Canadians, and Europeans love to do straight-up honest-to-god blackface that it may be obscuring more corner-case stuff.

Yeah they can be but they very clearly are not upset about the boob armour, which is kind of funny.

Fallout 4 is basically just played by dedicated heavy modders who are playing a giant-boobed anime girl in a kevlar bikini armed with real-life “tactical” weaponry, at this point, if Fallout 4 Nexus is anything to go by. Realistically they’re probably the majority, together with some tiny trickle of people playing it

Even if Starfield had a totally cutting edge engine, the profound lack of inspiration, the completely dull story, and the dire gameplay would have ensured it was rapidly forgotten. That the engine make it look like the HD update of a game from 2010 doesn’t help it, but that’s not the main issue.

Dude, be real.

They definitely aren’t competent enough.

Same. At 15 hours I was just bored and unmoved. I wasn’t annoyed or frustrated, but like, there was nothing interesting going on. So I stopped playing, and then a few weeks later I deleted it because it was a lot of SSD space and I wasn’t playing it.

Hardware-wise, Skyrim ran well on lower-end machines than Starfield does, because it had to aim at a much older console generation. PS3 and Xbox 360 were, in 2011, only 2 years out from being replaced (as opposed to closer to 4-5 for PS5/XSX), and further, PCs had advanced faster at that time, so Skyrim absolutely did


Nah. QoL improvements would make it significantly more playable and less frustrating/annoying, but there’s nothing, absolutely nothing BGS could do to make it a “fantastic” game even in the way Skyrim was, because it’s profoundly uninspired on every possible level. It’s an SF-centric game for and by people who’ve

Yeah it’ll be higher but it’s still a tiny fraction of what you’d expect from a new BGS game.

I think the core issue with Starfield is really simple: whoever was in charge of the design as a whole is not a fan of science fiction, and didn’t have any kind of real vision for the game beyond the extremely shallow and mediocrely executed “NASApunk” visuals. It feels like concept art inspired the game, rather than