

That’s absolute nonsense.

There’s nothing fishy, and you saying there is bad behaviour, in that you’re encouraging conspiratorial nonsense thinking.

Fair enough, I was wondering if I was an accidental iconoclast lol

Those are some shockingly low-yield nukes right there in the final bit, looks like sub-Hiroshima, maybe even less than 5kt. That said I guess the w80 could be dialled down to 5kt by turning off the thermonuclear component entirely, and I supposed a lot of small, very dirty fission bombs would make more sense for the

I get what you’re saying, but as part of the vaults-as-experiments model, I disagree.

That’s true, but groupthink is sometimes just obviously groupthink and wrong. That’s what was happening with Avatar 2. It was absolutely nerd groupthink, not just here but on a lot of parts of Twitter and elsewhere, that Avatar 2 would surely be a huge flop, because their little friend-groups were all far too good for

That’s literally what I’m saying, yeah.

How do you live being this utterly humourless? This is obviously taking the piss out the obsessive nature of the GTA fandom re: hints.

Then people should take them to binding arbitration. Sony have to pay for it - that’s the only, as courts have shown, you can force people into binding arbitration, even in the US - if the company forcing it isn’t paying, then it’s been shown to be not legally binding.

That’s not really true, and it matters what it actually says. Especially it’s untrue outside the US, and Sony is very international. In the EU/UK and many other parts of the world, you simply cannot override actual laws/rights with a TOS. Even in the US, it’s questionable, especially as different states are likely to

Not outside the US they don’t. You can’t dictate people’s legal rights in real countries. Even in the US, attempts to force people to use arbitration haven’t worked out as well as companies have wanted. Especially as a large number of people entering arbitration can be more expensive to a company than a class action

They’re a bunch of fucking idiots who want get owned, frankly.

The might eventually work out, but I think when you first did it, you’d just create a situation where a bunch of people hadn’t watched one of the episodes, repeatedly, so only a smaller number of really dedicated fans who watched every episode immediately would be talking about it - everyone else with be dodging

I watched it solely out of boredom and expected total crap I could mock, but... yeah I actually liked Aquaman 1, it was bizarrely quite good. Dumb as shit yes but, like, watchable. Which is not something not true of a lot of recent superhero movies.

There’s nothing odd about it. Different media made at different times for different people get different criticisms. I’m not familiar with the scene in TLOU2, but I’m extremely skeptical the comparison is as simple as you’re trying to make it. Plus, for all I know, you’re trumping up some minor criticism made some

Put it like this, I played for about 15 hours, and at that point, it was already so repetitive that I was getting seriously bored. Skyrim got to like, I dunno, 60-100 hours before I felt like it was this level of repetition - and even then it was less boring because Skyrim feels pretty handcrafted in a way Starfield

It’s genuinely quite hard to watch PoI after that revelation, yeah, because it really colours how you see his portrayal of the character. Especially when you find out he was feuding with the dog! It takes a special mind for an adult man to get into a feud with was apparently an exceptionally friendly dog (and got the

Fuck yes I love this line (FEV = woke mind virus). Ahhh it’s almost too perfect.

Buddy, that’s the joke Squid is making.