
I suspect the vault description is more about how the vaults were advertised, which is exactly “a subterranean vault, where every need and want has been satisfied while generations and generations await the day when it is safe to surface”, rather than how the vaults actually were.

Re: logic, the problem is, they could have their cake and eat it. Inhabited areas could look like inhabited areas. Humans just don’t live like that. You can bomb them, chase them, harass them, they still live better than people in FO3/4 do. They tidy, they clean, they make, they repair. They don’t just sit in piles of

I don’t think Bethesda will let them be remastered, because, frankly, they’d make Bethesda’s Fallouts look bad. Even if the remaster was just updating the visuals and UI, Fallout 1/2 would really highlight how profoundly moronic FO3 and FO4 are.

Fallout 4 absolutely broke me because of shit like this.

You know the soyface meme, with the two guys point with o-shaped mouth expressions. It’s a classic!

Just testing something, please ignore sorry lol.

I mean, I think what probably helped me with Slay the Spire is that I’m a pen and paper RPG and strategy game guy, and played a ton of CCGs/living card games, and I think if you’re into those you’re less likely to even notice that you don’t get carried over stuff. It didn’t even occur to me until your post that you

Of deckbuilders? Can you list any deckbuilders actually better than Slay the Spire?

This is flatly untrue. You obviously haven’t seen the movie to claim that. It’s a big budget spectacle, sure, but it has a ton of story, it’s just not a complicated story, it’s a pretty straightforward and human one. If anything, it might have too much story because there’s some story about the kids which is hard to

The biggest difference between Avatar 2 and the MCU movies is the lack of irony and presence of earnestness and emotional honesty. The MCU is married to irony, “THAT JUST HAPPENED!!!” scenes/dialogue, and Whedon-esque dialogue, all of Avatar avoids.

It’s wildly better than Quantumania.

I mean, no insult but you definitely didn’t get Slay the Spire, it’s one of the greatest games made in the last decade, and that’s not overstatement or hyperbole. It’s notable too that a lot of non-gamers or casual gamers got it, whereas a handful of “real gamers” totally did not - not at all saying you’re the latter

I guess you must not be a B-tier actor because that’s a fucking shitty opinion right there, wanker.

I’ll bear with you but I suspect this is not so much a Mandela effect as much you honestly understand the implicit meaning of what he was saying and doing, when there was no explicit statement to that effect. To be clear - I don’t think you’re wrong that his intention at the time was to lock down that situation, and

That’s crude but it’s not anti-Semitic to point out the parallels. And she’s actually wildly overstating what Jewish-Americans are facing - nothing they’re facing today is even 30% of day-to-day Islamophobia in the US.

You’re supporting my point.

Louie, if he’d said it clearly and definitively, then even with Google being a piece of shit now (which it is), it’d still be easy to find because people who talk about ASoIaF would bring it up all the damn time like an article of faith, as a justification of why they’re so mad about him not finishing the books. I

I love Neve Campbell and the Scream series but absolutely fuck Scream 7 for this shit, no fucking way even a long-time fan like me is going to watch that if they’re into this McCarthyist crap.

I mean let slip is a bit dramatic, this is another well-known fact to anyone who has actually been following the conflict for longer than just the recent events. That Amanpour didn’t know is pretty funny though.

That Israel funded Hamas isn’t a conspiracy, collex, it’s a well-documented and attested fact. So you need to reassess your own ability to determine what a conspiracy theory is. This isn’t obscure point you have a real excuse not to know. The Israeli media themselves have documented it very well long before this.