
Which ones specifically are you referring to?

Martin has said that no one will be allowed to finish the series but himself”

I mean, it might, but that’s not a universal truth. One set of books that surprised me recently was the Osten Ard series (still one to go). They’re sequels to the Dragonbone Throne books of the 1990s, which was a huge fantasy series before ASoIaF (ASoIaF didn’t really get big until Storm of Swords in 2000 anyway), and

Fans who were disappointed in the way GoT ended and want a better, “fixed” version? Fans who want an entirely different ending from the show?”

I think there tends to be an obvious difference between fight-scarred and “disfigured” though. Also notable that very few heroic characters in TV/movies are fight-scarred even if ultra-experienced. Contrast this with videogames and to a lesser extent comics, though, where heroes frequently are both. I think what it

I can’t think of a single example of “wheelchair = evil” either. Canes are a much easier case to make but it’s usually “cane = old” and “old + rich = evil” (honestly, usually true) there, not “cane = evil”. I can think of a couple of evil characters in wheelchairs (one version of Blofeld and Hector Salamanca), but in

It’s a lot rarer than it was but yes, the “evil bisexual” is still a thing, and further, there are LGBT+ writers who engage in that (definitely not RTD to be fair), particularly a few older gay men. I would say there’s a difference between having villains who happen to be LGBT+ (which is fine) and associating that

Your response was rather facile and involved apparently intentionally misinterpreting what I was saying in order to respond in a way as simplistic and imprecise as humanly possible, presumably for the sake of internet points. If that wasn’t your intention, it was certainly what you achieved, I would suggest.

I’m extremely aware of the trope - moreso than you I suspect. I’m sorry I didn’t talk down enough that you thought I wasn’t. Good grief. Next time I’ll spell it out like everyone is five years old I guess.

Uh-huh, and that was a reason that Iron Man 3 got criticised for pretty heavily, and was written by a writer who peaked in the 1980s and last wrote something cool in the 1990s.

“Disability being a mark of moral failing is a huge trope in the Western world”

Yeah the release date was absolutely suicidal. Let’s sandwich it between John Wick 4 and Super Mario Bros to ensure our two main audiences (teens through thirties people and families with kids) have extremely strong and better-known alternatives, that’ll definitely work out great! I literally know multiple actual D&D

It’s interesting to hear this from RTD. He has been responsible for some really good LGBT+ representation on TV. Historically, exactly the same thing he’s concerned about with disabled villains occurred with gay or gay-coded villains through the whole history of cinema - indeed it’s still occurring in a lot of

Yeah, he was fine.

Leigh Bardugo (author of the books) says both are dead, sadly.

I pointed this out recently myself re: Blade.

Krasinski is kind of marmite.

As another poster pointed out, the problem with the Young Avengers is that they’re very much going to be the 30-ish Avengers by the time they actually get together, at the current rate.

Fair, though re: insulting some people don’t even listen unless you are and can actually suddenly start being helpful (mostly men, to be fair), so it’s always a mixed bag.

Most reasonable Hunger Games movies book reader criticism.