
Or he could call the police on what is incredibly obviously a scam. The car was clearly targeted by people who were out looking specifically for that car (see the video), and no other cars - they didn’t even do the figleaf of mildly damaging the cars nearby.

Dude. That’s either a Mercedes GLC or GLA. The total cost of the car is thus between $34k and $55k. The total cost of the car.

Yeah his perspective seems bizarre. Uber went from “fairly reasonable” to “flatly overpriced” over the last few years. The idea that it’s “one of the best things to happen in our lifetimes” seems absolutely insane, even if we just limited that to tech or whatever. Over the same period it’s also become vastly less

Why do you say that? Where are you based out of that you think that?

Whether it’s a GLC or a GLA, it’s an incredible scam number, given the top end new models cost like $55k.

It’s certainly what stablecoins and similar crypto products are trying to be yes, financial institutions without regulation, and thus inevitably on course for utter disaster (especially as they tend to be run by idiots and dreamers). They may not necessarily consciously intend to be faux-banks from day 1, but it seems

In 2023?

Really? This actually makes it sound more interesting than previous comments to me.

Ripley, like Bond, is a character who was always deeply involved with gender roles and so on, and simply gender-flipping either character without some serious ideas as to why and how and what the goal is, is unlikely to be terribly rewarding.

I feel like if you family-friendly levels of violence, you might not want to point to the Dalton era. The Living Daylights is like, reasonably so, but Licence to Kill? That’s probably the most violent bond movie before the Craig era. And Dalton’s Bond worked because he was pretty alarming and almost predator-like

The Russians were never really the “main villains” of Bond in any consistent way, certainly not for more than one movie at a time.

SPECTRE as a terrorist organisation is a severely outdated idea.

My suggestion as a random dude on the internet? Drop the nostalgia bait and the personal drama that characterized the last few Craig films. No one cares if the vilain secretly turns out to be both Blofeld and James Bond’s half brother.”

And those articles support my point, and contradict the claims of harm!

It’s certainly not according to any well-accepted science or medicine.

Falling asleep to a podcast or noise of some sort is bad for you.”

I mean there’s a little bit more to it than “they always think good times will last forever”. Absolutely that’s true, but thanks to regulation, with banks, what has gotten them into real trouble repeatedly hasn’t been “thinking good times will last forever” by itself, but that combined obviously terrible undiversified

Uh-huh, and people get killed in car crashes despite speed limits, seat belts, traffic lights, speed bumps, airbags, crumple zones, indicators, rules of the road, stop signs, and so on.

It’s been pretty bizarre watching various stars reveal themselves (totally unnecessarily, you can just keep your trap shut) as psychopaths and dunces, or in a few examples, unexpectedly sensible or humane. Macklemore of all fucking people wrote about the conflict with humanity and decency, whereas Amy Schumer

Yeah if that’s the mark, they have sorely missed it. There are some pretty weird colours in there which just look nothing like any colourization process nor early/cheap colour. Not a great look honestly.