
That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

This is what an an subset of tech companies effectively are trying to be - banks without any regulation.

Interesting! I notice quite a theme there - none of them are action games, they’re all driving games. I wonder what made it possible to do it with driving games, but not action games.

He’s not right though, you don’t have to regularly say it or even think it, if it was ingrained enough at a certain point. I’ve never called anyone any person a slur online in, like 25 years of online gaming (in general in game I’m weirdly far more polite than forum posts). But I did use the early internet, and

Want to list some of the “multiple last gen” open-world games that have instant fast travel?

Any game can be optimized if it’s a priority; that’s not been a priority for Bethesda for a long time (if ever).”

“Matthew Vaughn IS a Home Counties Tory moron.”

Seems like even the people running Threads don’t understand why Threads exists. Bsky is gradually improving and getting busier and busier at least. The reality is that people aren’t on Twitter for the boring and safe conversations, and never were, really. People are either there for bullshit or news/news discussions,

I think Kick-Ass has more potential than you’re suggesting, as sort of post-MCU movie. You could sort of bracket the whole MCU (which is very much dead in the water right now, at least in terms of storytelling and impact) because Kick-Ass 1/2 are before the MCU really became The MCU in a big way, and now that’s kind

I love Archer to a completely irrational degree, but I’d broadly agree that it seems unlikely there’d be further revivals.

Sorry just saw this - that’s a barely-literate article that seems to be full of made-up nonsense, and gives no sources for any of their wild claims, so if you’re trusting that, I’m afraid that’s unreasonable behaviour.

It’s surprising - you must be fairly well-educated, but you don’t seem to understand what the word mythological means, on a very basic level.

Whilst I agree re: Danny, it’s delusional to say it’s become more of a soap opera, just absolutely delusional. You need to rewatch S1/2 if you believe that.

It’s been on a decline since day one.”

At the current rate? A couple of years. I think we’re at least an expansion and an accompanying major gameplay overhaul away from D4 being an actually good ARPG, rather than a really pretty and nice-sounding (though the music isn’t quite there) and very well-running one. It just lacks even the charm of latter-day D3

You’d think so, right? And I think it’s true for a lot of people.

Ahhh I had a positive association with that name but couldn’t think what - it was Don’t Trust the B— In Apartment 23, which was totally amazing at the time.

I think it’s right to say that’s a step down from what the previous series was doing though. It’s a more mundane and cheesy approach, one which more shows have done.

I mean, it’s the very definition of a “Saturday Night Special”, so “real gun” is perhaps strong language, but certainly it is a 9mm pistol capable of killing people. Probably cheaper than a lot of prop guns at $239.

I don’t think a dude who is waving a gun around in the street and headbutting women with a helmet, whilst on video, is getting bail. There’s no doubt he’s a violent criminal, the only real questions are, when’s the trial (if he doesn’t plead out) and what will the exact sentence be.