
This is emphatically not true.”

The thing you’re not getting re: Keanu and Idris and so on is that, that’s a pretty cheap. Keanu, at most, was paid very low millions, probably not even that. There’s no way Idris got more than hundreds of thousands - probably under 300k. He’s a huge star, but this is voice-over/capture work, which usually requires a

And games as a market are much larger now than they’ve ever been previously.”

This biggest difference, which this article bizarrely doesn’t even mention, and the only reason expensive games even get made is that sales have also gone up by like 100x since the 1980s, especially of games outside a few extremely “essential” ones.

76 is an MMO

It's amazing how humourless and snotty some people are. Massive "fun at parties" energy.

I’d love to see a source for the Larian exec claim, because I don’t believe any “Larian exec” (and who even is a “Larian exec”? Swen owns the entire company) has ever said “$5m would be fair” or anything similar. You got one? If not I’m sorry buddy but I’m going to consider that made up bollocks - perhaps not by you,

As for amazing games rarely appearing on GP, it’s rare for amazing games to appear anywhere.”

at least right now”

I think there are like three of them and then the game basically admits defeat on that plot thread.

The UK isn’t polarized on the issue, that’s a complete misunderstanding of the situation.

You’re an awful person in denial about your own misreading or bad behaviour then. This isn’t queer shows being attacked, this is you fucking up and being too much of a wanker to say “oops”.

I think there are more recent examples than Merlin, and I would dispute that the archetype is entirely absent. I think the big problem is actually religion, particularly Protestantism, but not just that. Certainly the way Christianity has operated in the West has been extremely oppositional to the “Wise Thinker”

Are you illiterate or just trying to be disingenuous and misleading on purpose?

Just FYI, you generally don’t pay taxes on settlements like that in the US. So whilst it’s still shitty and I agree “not worth it”, it’d just be the fees from the lawyer, not the tax man. And I agree even at the original $5m, depending on the injuries, that might not be enough for the lifelong care likely required

Yeah the lack of a contract or even any consideration there would really blow that idea up completely.

That there’s no way that they could be this clueless over how this was going to received.”

Just a more politically correct coat of paint on something games have been doing as long as they’ve had character customization.”

Yeah it’s absolutely just bare-faced lying to make out 2077 had particularly bad writing by videogame standards. Dialogue-wise it actually has particularly good writing by videogame standards (better than a lot of recent movies, honestly, but that’s not a high bar right now). But plot-wise some questions could be

“I don’t think I’ve ever played a game that was more terribly written”