
Waco only went south because of a chance meeting leading to the cultists being forewarned.

What’s really big with Cloud of Daggers is how you can make the action economy work for you - because you can do insane out-of-turn damage with it. You cast it on some enemies, they take initial damage. Their turn starts, they take damage. Another enemy has to move through the cloud (always best on chokepoints), more

NPCs don’t care in the slightest”

I can easily see it leading to a number of games simply taking their game off sale once its no longer being actively supported.”

What’s genuinely shocking is that Unity believe they can apparently completely unilaterally make absolutely vast changes to their rules, without consultation, without real warning, and severely to the detriment of the people using their product. Even if they get you to sign something saying that, that’s not exactly

With climate change a we're probably going to all be in beach huts, but not in a good way, sadly.

The Wheel of Time series? I agree the books needed a lot of changing but what Judkins has done there is nothing short of stunningly dumb creative homicide. He’s thrown out the baby, the bathwater and the friggin’ tub for that matter.”

No, you don’t need to do that.

I think there is too, in theory. I think there issue has kind of been trying to hard on the plots and somehow ending up with a lot of pretty bad plots, but they’ve been nailing the characters. Even Moon Knight, which was a mess, I loved Isaacs, Hawke, Calamawy (hope she’s in more things) and their characters.

I don’t care that he called me lazy.

The idea that people are “lazy” because they’re not excited about yet another bland Star Wars show is mentally deranged. Like you’re literally a person with a mental illness. It’s more sad than anything else. You’re the totally fucked kind of hyper-fan who makes whole fanbases toxic and insane.

One suspects he is full MGTOW with this attitude.

Yeah it really hasn’t been.

It’s not a “bunch of bullshit”, dude, you need to grow up and understand that other people exist.

The ironic thing is that some of the people who were marginalized in 1978 are now the conservatives doing the attacking. John Lydon being a prime example.

It’s also pretty funny to have 2003 be the “early online gaming communities”, because that’s like, two or three years before that whole thing kind of ended, or started rapidly ending. I’d been playing games online regularly since 1996, and talking about games online since 1993, a whole decade earlier. I will say you

Sounds like StarUI is the main thing I need because it has value/mass which was how I judged everything in Skyrim.

Love how people who are extremely out of date and have no idea what’s going on don’t say “Oh shit, I didn’t know that, sucks”, but instead moan and whinge about how terrible it is that someone pointed that out.

Chill out dude.

Did... did you just already know all that? Or did you go to Aliexpress, and track these products down just to try and catch out the article writer? I’m not sure which is more horrifying, but neither is a great look.