
I’m with you.

Yeah of all the show to be saved, I really didn’t expect that one, a truly bonkers Euro-show with no big stars. But I’ll take it!

I know, I saw her carefully put down this loaded and chambered gun (without apparently putting the safety back on!), in the room of a scared child, and I was like “What the fuck, La’an, you’re a Security Officer, you know better!”. For all we know he hides it and then uses it to shoot his way out or something later.

Yeah the temporal agent was disappoint - just another smug asshole in a suite with a sneering down-her-nose “thanks for playing kid” kind of attitude, which is just kind of more “Men in Black” than Star Trek. 

Pelia’s expression there definitely said “Oh fuck now I remember”

I mean, that’s literally a retcon, of the most direct kind. It’s just a stated and open retcon, rather than the “We were always at war with Eastasia” kind where you act like there’s been no change.

I can see you have some reading issues. I was extremely clear that the evolution towards action didn’t start in a major way until FFXIII.

Sure and I definitely cut it some slack for that. But FFXVI doesn’t even have that. No spoilers but the moral message is a far more basic one and a less relevant one that any adult or even teen should already have onboard and indeed almost all do. But it is notable that FFXV and XVI are basically both shonen anime

No, I’m saying that this direction didn’t start until XIII, which is what I said in my post. Nothing before XII was very action-y and even XII was pretty slow paced and super tactical - perhaps even more tactical then X. I think you actually mean IX rather than X though. X was marginally more action oriented than IX,

It happened with Divinity: Original Sin, then Larian said “We learned from DOS’ mistakes and won’t repeat them!” They then hired a bunch of extra people but repeated 100% of those mistakes with Divinity Original Sin 2. They then said “We learned from DOS2's mistakes and won’t repeat them!” They then hired even more

Phantom Liberty had moved from last to top of my list as the wild extent of the gameplay changes but I’ll definitely accept BG3 coming out first. Starfield is weird - I should be excited but I just can’t actually get excited based on what we’ve seen so far which seems painfully generic and empty even by Bethesda

I think it probably is a fiction for the main BG3 team.

Complaining about gatekeeping, which you did, like article writer, is coming out against old-time fans, I’d suggest. Because as the article writer outlines it, merely having a preference that isn’t action-game is gatekeeping.

It’s an incredible wank-fantasy on your part to think anyone is “gatekeeping” here, when the people who we would have to be “gatekeeping” against would be young men who like action games, but don’t like RPGs, which has to be the least-gatekept group in human history. No women, not ethnic, sexual-orientation or gender

I mean, I don’t know if they are wrong, but I’d much rather be called an old geezer or told I was a stick-in-the-mud or whatever than have someone try to manipulate me by insisting I was “gatekeeping” to hold viewpoint which disagreed with the one I was promoting.

It absolutely is far less mean-spirited.

I’ll argue that the original Casino Royale is a great James Bond film”

What’s wild is it isn’t even really a hack and slash RPG, like, say Dragon’s Dogma (which was more of an actual RPG than FFXV or even FFXIII was), which managed to combine DMC-style combat with being a pretty serious RPG (not even a JRPG - it was more CRPG-ish), but just essentially a pure spectacle fighter/character

I am about so many people asserting that Final Fantasy games have always been about reinvention.

“Not wanting FF to be an action series is gatekeeping” is a pretty horrible and mean-spirited argument, I have to say. That’s really scraping the bottom of the barrel.