
I had some D3 characters I kept around, too, but did you actually play them significantly after the season they were from had passed? Or maybe take them our for 10 min to 1hr spin a few times over the years?

Yes, I do. Because it’s from a long time ago and it takes work to dig up, I’ve been fucking sealioned one too many times, and I honestly I feel like I deserve some goddamn sympathy and understanding for that!

Yeah Hoechlin, I was skeptical of (not deeply so but a bit) initially and he’s absolutely ace as both Clark and Supes, even if the suit looks a tiny bit Arrested Development at times, I can live with it for such a strong performance.

Wow and that’s how I found out I was taller than Henry Cavill. I always assumed otherwise.

Why do you think that?

I mean to me that’s kind of funny because how big is TotK even? Not mocking you, but what is it like, a 10 minute download?

It was more than 5 years ago, when this stuff started being common, so no. But you can search it if you want - just go on Gamasutra and look for ancient developer comments about pre-ordering or something.

Hey genius.

Realistically pretty much no-one but a few weird collectors plays on Eternal-type realms, as we’ve seen from other ARPGs, so not really.

But that doesn’t affect preordering, since you can only run the launcher once the game releases anyway.”

The lazy dev thing I will push back on because it’s bullshit”

“Skyrim is not a good RPG because it doesn’t require you to roleplay.”

To be completely honest I think I can see how some people get to such claims.

I think the fact that this is being discussed at all is positive.

“If I understand your argument correctly”

Those seem like pretty weak and game-specific benefits.

That’s correct - his whole post is founded on ridiculous what-ifs. What is this coast-hugger was in the middle of the North Atlantic? What if some magical force breached the hull out there?

I mean, you’re engaging in quite a lot of “WHAT IF!” wankery there, which you’re covering up with dramatic pictures.

It’s absolutely classic too.

This is what they* took from us!