
Sorry mate, but you failed completely to prove your thesis.

It is better.

That’s an incredibly stupid and vile opinion.

Fuck off.

That’s literally not what’s happening here, and it’s a problem that you think it is. This isn’t rich vs. rich - this is “people funded directly by gambling companies to make people come to pro-gambling version of Twitch are offended to be called out for trying to make kids gamble”.

I mean, it’s fun to be loud and shouty, right, but this isn’t some both-sides shit, so get fucked maybe?

The further we get into the 21st century the clearer it becomes that very few people who seem like they might be “pretending to be dumb” are actually pretending anything. It’s similar with racism. People used to love claim they were just being “ironically” racist or whatever (c.f. Pewdiepie), but as we continue into

I mean, it’s amazing that someone who can spell and correctly use disingenuous has such incredibly poor reading comprehension. You’ve just built a giant straw-man from things nobody said there.

It really seems like you didn’t read the article, and are backpedalling here, because your critique makes zero sense if you did.

Honestly it sounds like the “RPG systems” here may be to the south of God of War 2, so it looks like things have circled around completely.

I mean, this already is full-circle in a sense. From the 1990s onwards, but particularly through the late ‘00s and early ‘10s, non-RPGs gradually added more and more RPG elements, to the point where many non-RPGs have as complex systems as some earlier RPGs did. And some RPGs went in the opposite direction, cutting

Also, I’m okay with ditching a lot of these new RPG staples in ARPGs. I do not need or want to worry about equipping armor that has 1.5% critical damage to increase to donkeys but -3% vitality when looking at grass or whatever.”

Then Final Fantasy might as well be Dragon Quest!”

A truly horrifying prospect.

That is strangely nice to hear. And yeah it doesn’t surprise me, because I doubt AI will be reliable for the specificity of the stuff they’d commission - and AI freaks aren’t part of any real community, not even a pro-AI one.

The only thing that can stop a bad Nazi is a good Nazi? Is that their logic?

I’m glad you got a decent education on these subjects, but it’s abundantly clear that the majority of Americans over 40 and seemingly a large proportion of those under that age did not. My wife (who is American) was valedictorian at her school and all of those things were minimized even in the ‘90s.

The problem is, it doesn’t emulate creativity.

I agree re: profane, and it’s interesting how easy it has quickly become for anyone with the remotest artistic sense (so like 30% of the people who THINK they have any artistic sense!) to spot AI-created work, and very reliably too. They fix various “tells” like finger counts but there’s a creepiness to it that they

Your clients are bothering you about it for two reasons: