
There’s nothing new about placid consumer liberalism, and sticking “neo” in there doesn’t change the fact that this is not really a change any different from various other adjustments in Hollywood history. And every time, people moan. They moaned about Die Hard, for god’s sake - because even that represented

Yeah that’s a really good question. Strange New Worlds was amazing, unheard of for an S1 of a Trek show. Picard S3 finally and abruptly turned pretty great. Discovery had been mid but it’s had 5 seasons, which is achievement in this era for a fiction show. Lower Decks is good and improving and shows no signs of going

Of course, a funny thing happens 10-15 years after a disappointing Star Wars movie comes out: people stop hating them as much!”

LOL. Directing an episode of a show is essentially meaningless, so yeah, it’s absolutely a pertinent point as to whether they’ll actually do any movies/shows of their own. Also, rumours aren’t facts which makes that an even weirder thing to say - which show is it btw?

Yeah and I’m pissed off that E:D essentially did the same thing. I didn’t back SC because it had too many red flags, but I did back E:D, and I nearly un-backed it before it finished the KS because in the last week they suddenly started talking like the MMO side of things was the focus - having very much not said that

Yeah for day-to-day watching in the UK I find myself much more likely to be on Disney+ - and usually Hulu stuff not Disney stuff right now. Netflix seems to still be able to create a few shows people talk about, and I resubbed for Shadow and Bone (sue me lol), but it’s not what it was, and it’s drastically overpriced

I mean, they’re allegedly doing an Eternals 2, which, if true, really undermines that.

It’s truly bizarre given how easy it should be to make a good Blade movie.

I mean, he could be making it up, but when people are making it up entirely they tend to have more confidence in their entirely fictional predictions, because why wouldn’t you?

I think there are a lot of issues with The Orville, not least that a lot of potential fans haven’t watched it because it was off-putting in the initial decision to go hard on the humour angle, the tacky and outdated visual design (of S1) and Seth’s decision to cast himself as the lead (doesn’t help that he

No-one is trying to out-do Netflix anymore.

The Russos are an interesting example. Their pre and post Marvel directing work is dire, even when in the same broad genre (as Grey Man was with Civil War), but no doubt their Marvel work was good.

That’s not accurate re: “barely broke even”.

Will it actually happen though? I don’t know even know how many times SW has threatened that X is going to do a Star Wars movie and then they didn’t. It’s basically trolling until the movie is in cinemas. You can’t even say “until filming starts” because Disney showed they can rip directors off projects even then!

Basically any good director - and some mediocre ones that happen to sell well - get dragged into the Star Wars/Marvel bagel of darkness.”

I think it goes from “early-access MMO” to “grift” for three reasons:

Like I’ve been saying, I don’t think the goal is to retcon the ST but to diminish it, so that it’s just one of many major events taking place in the aftermath of the OT — maybe not even the most important.”

Yeah this hits all my main points too.

“Go spend 5 minutes on Reddit.”

It’s kind of weird though - even with Olympic athletes competing in the same sport you typically seem more diversity in body shape, and with superpowers you’d think it’d be even broader. So it’s kind of a weird point to make if it is intentional.