
Dear lord please let it be a run walk.

It may be your landlord’s problem to fix it, but I promise you that the payments come from your checks.

Um no. Being a private foundation does not mean it doesnt qualify as a 501(c)(3). In fact that doesnt make much sense. Just about every charity is a private organization.

If you are asking for faith in the American public . . .if you have any faith in Americans, feel free to read this book and then lose all faith.

lucid? he needs to not die and he basically won.

For women it is a lose-lose. I have been called a bitch for advocating for my client (exactly the way every man does) and I have been asked to fetch coffee by opposing counsel. If we are in a position of power we slept our way there or married our way there (“Oh you started your own practice? Did your husband help

But remember how she threated a woman who claimed Bill raped her by shaking her hand? WHAT ABOUT THE SCHOOL TO PRISON SYSTEM SHE CREATE WHILE SHE WAS PRESIDENT THE FIRST TIME!

I love you beautiful kinja stranger.

2016 sucks.

Rapists go to prison?

One more thing, the AP report did not cover her whole term as Sec of State. It covered only the first half.

They can lose their 501(c)(3) status. The chance of a charge is about as likely as me becoming President in November.

You are a better fact checker than most of the media! It is absurd that the average person has to do this.

Agreed. In fact there has been ZERO proven instances of fraud/pay for play. Not to say there isnt a chance it happened, but to try to equate the two as “not quite” as blatant is absurd.

and #benghazzzzziiiiiiii

And let’s be honest. Most people think if you are voting for HRC you are conservative and a warmonger.

Actually the polls show he has a bigger group of “Bernie or Bust” voters. That is why I said that. I dont know where you are getting your narrative from, but it sounds like projecting.

Substantive narrative, like all narrative, is tinted with the writer’s viewpoints and beliefs. If I had all day to review the writer and see what they believe I would, but I have a job and house work and cooking and other shit that needs to be done.

The reality is all the presidential candidates this election cycle are full of privilege.