Psh maybe not for you but CLEARLY in Texas they just stand around and wait for the bomb to explode.
Psh maybe not for you but CLEARLY in Texas they just stand around and wait for the bomb to explode.
Clock are super dangerous to children. Obvs.
The “mommy track” exists in corporate law too (not so much in family law though).
Dont forget marry a cop. Or have the cop be the baby daddy!!
Oh man we registered for the copper core for our wedding. One VERY EXCEPTIONAL guest bought us the full set. It is life changing. Best sear ever. Best at keeping a simmer. Best at keeping things hot. I love it.
well obviously the only preservative that is used is pure formaldehyde. Right? RIGHT?!!?
I personally LOVE being told my soft lady brain cannot handle my own medical decisions. It really makes life way easier. Excuse me, but I gotta get back to the stove!
Of course this guy could have killed people with a knife (maybe not a club because that is a lot harder) but could he have killed 2 people and critically injured another within a matter of seconds? Not really. The ownership of a gun makes killing many people a lot easier. That is just a fact.
Oooo a military junta sounds just right!
LOLZ democracy? Why go with a peaceful and democratic option when I can shoot mah gunz?
apparently the only way to defeat crazy is to be EVEN MORE crazy.
Baseballs: The Real Killers of America.
You are right. Those people that wrote the Constitution were way smarter than most people. Which is why they have also put in provisions to alter the Constitution when things change. Like the change that happens when someone creates semi-automatic and automatic weapons when the only weapons the writers of the…
It is like you hit a certain age and you just DGAF.
I think because it was called a cocktail HOUR and not cocktail hour and a half.
Yup. I do a lot of really contested litigation and a few male lawyers have commented to me that I can be a “real ball buster” which I reply “Well how about YOU concede on all the things you want from me. Give my client all the things you are asking for. No? Stop being a ball buster.”
For people like that life begins at conception and ends with birth. After the birth they are on their own.
Yeah. People are weird. My family from greece also said I wasnt allowed to take photos at my parents house after the reception because it was bad luck and would lead to a divorce since I was married and then returning home. My dad tried to convince me to take photos elsewhere. Wasnt happening (they have a beautiful…
For our wedding planning I have one old couple INSIST I have red flowers because they are the color of love. Another INSIST I have white flowers because they are the color of pure love. Another woman was AGHAST at the concept of navy blue dresses for bridesmaids (for an October wedding) because it is the color of…