
But you can’t forget the greatest Ascot look of all time

I pretty much disrupted my guy’s proposal plans by spontaneously asking him first.

My husband had been my friend for about 12 years before we even started to date. He is in the reserves and was got deployed to the Syrian Turkey border. I asked him if he would marry me before he left. He said yes. I was really nervous and upset and was really trying not to cry and when im upset i get really gassy. So

Does it count if you proposed to another lady? I feel like it’s less weighted somehow without having to worry about, idk, bruised machismo. But also it was weird because neither one of us had been raised to do the asking! So anyway, much like when we began to date, I - as the more outgoing, more foolhardy of our pair

My dude and I had dated loooong ago. Freshman year of college. Then I dumped him for lame 18-year-old-girl reasons, and we lost touch. We both married other people who turned out to be horrible (in shockingly similar, really terrible ways. Like drug abuse and incest.) After we both got divorced, we found each other

So, my now-husband and I had been locked in battle with this terrible real estate agent over the fixer-upper home of our dreams. The house was a foreclosure and this jerk had changed the bank’s first counter-offer to cash - like, cash-cash! who has that much cash readily available? - and while we were figuring THAT

ooooh! I just woke up and asked my husband for the laptop so I can write this! Finally a story I can contribute!

I proposed to my husband publicly-ish. It was amazing - but I was SO full of nerves!

I didn’t propose to my husband, but my mother proposed to my dad in the late 60’s, so she was a bit of a trailblazer for the modern women. The story goes that they had been living together for several years when my father took my mother on a romantic picnic overlooking a lake, complete with champagne. He then

This is why I think proposals should be more of a formality that happens after there has been some kind of discussion about marriage and both parties know you're on the same page.

My grandma was a total badass and trailblazer, and my grandpa was shy and sweet. Family lore holds that one morning he was heading out to do chores and she said “I thought I’d make us some cake this afternoon and have the pastor over.” He assents. She adds “...And then I thought while he’s here we could get married.”

My husband had just moved in with me a couple of months earlier and was in his boxers painting some closet doors. He remarked at how much good storage there was. I suggested we have a big party in our honor where we exchanged rings and people would give us lots of presents we could fill the closets with. He agreed

All of this makes me so sad.

Also appropriate for shorts:

Kind of... and I say kind of because I had this discussion with a good friend of mine because her children, not her, was hell-on-wheels for a while.

I had a very small, very quick wedding. My husband and I were both in the military, and I came down on deployment orders soon after we got engaged, while he was training at another base. I flew out to the base, and we only invited close family. We had this very small wedding at a bed and breakfast that catered to

My wife’s best friend ordered a cake from a little old lady who ran a cake business out of her house. We used her for our wedding. Best cake ever, she would makethe cake the morning of the wedding. So, we are at the reception waiting on cake. No cake. We call the cashed lady. No answer. Finally we send a family

The wedding I was at a couple weeks ago had cup cakes instead of one big cake. I complained they didn't do the cake to the face thing and about a minute later I turned around and got a face full of cupcake from the groom. I wiped my face on his sister. I think it was a successful reception.

Or maybe we should view black men as a group of complex people with varying tastes.

Obviously, Renee’s salesgirl made a big mistake. HUGE. And then there should be a montage of Renee buying expensive ‘80’s clothing with lots of expensive shoulder pads. Montage should be set to an ‘80’s montage-song, like “You’re the Best” or “Push it to the Limit.”