
this event had everything and more: a poolside reception with mismatched chairs, “air ferns,” music swiped from the how-it’s-made video that came with the groom’s Prada shoes (IDFK), a cake topped with origami gemstones (goodbye), pink sea salt favors, a random stack of plates with a single flower head on top.

Josh Lyman would be so proud.

This is literally a plot ripped from The West Wing. I am so excited.


I found myself surprised that I was upset that during the rape they showed only Theon’s face. The only thought I had was “way to make a woman getting raped all about how a man feels.”

A full wedding planner would handle all vendor selection (location, florist, caterer, entertainment, invitations, etc.) likely from a list she has worked with previously and has good relationships with. She would help with contracts and negotiation. The planner would also go to meetings of the vendors with you to help

We go through this routine every holiday when someone in my house gets flowers. No matter how high up we put them or where we hide them, she’ll track ‘em down and eat til she pukes.


Just commenting to helpfully point out that the shark has a really lovely name <3

"Fuck your tea kettle warmer," is the greatest thing I have read all day. I am seriously contemplating turning it into my personal 'fuck you non-sequitor battle cry' for those days you just need to rage through.

Considering I willingly put various types of poison into my body on a regular basis and pay for the privilege, I cannot in good conscious pretend to give a flying fuck about organic food and whether or not my peaches are filled with pesticides.

Not an allergy request but a ridiculous coffee request. At one cafe where I used to work, we kept the milk and cream behind the counter and would pour it in for the customer ourselves unless they asked to do it. One woman asked for me to make her coffee “about your color.” Because I’m neither coffee nor milk, I have

I had a woman request a new glass of ice water, because, and I can’t make this up, “her ice water was watered down.”

When I was in high school, I was a foreign exchange student in Germany. While I was studying abroad, I had to attend a wedding of a cousin of the family I was staying with. The reception lasted for 8+ hours, but one of the things I remember was the bride & groom sawing a log in half. It’s a German tradition and it’s

My husband is from India so we had a moderately traditional Indian wedding. While we hacked a lot of traditions for times sake (we cut our ceremony down from 8 hours to 2), the one thing we both adamantly refused to include was the time honored tradition of the brides family begging the groom to marry her.

i always wear them with bathing suits but the feeling of them swelling up in the water makes me NOPE out of there quick

unpopular unrelated opinion: i actually hate tampons and never wear them. pads 4 lyfe


It’s the greatest regret of my life.