I'm pretty sure lots of places have grass between sidewalk and street. At least everywhere I've lived on the East Coast.
I'm pretty sure lots of places have grass between sidewalk and street. At least everywhere I've lived on the East Coast.
I hope this wins just for the sentence "A PhD student lived in our mango tree."
Please tell me her current default answer is "Over my dead body".
The decision only applies to those methods in which an egg is fertilized but not implanted, because their religious belief is that life begins at conception. So vasectomies and many birth control methods for women are covered, just not all of them.
I only hate-watch Love It or List It. The owners are always total jerks who petulantly criticize every house they see or tell Hilary to "Just fix it and stop asking me to make decisions!" when something goes wrong,and then cry because fixing it to her meant they couldn't build the second bathroom the family of 5…
At most weddings I've seen, it's been balanced by a mother-son dance, making it a more equal "moving to new family", not "you are no longer my possession".
My friend's mom went into labor with no name picked out so before he 'd drive her to the hospital, her husband grabbed a naming book. He told her to pick a page number, pick a column, and pick a line number.
Can anyone explain why victims turn to the school and not law enforcement for justice? I know there's been some cases where the school deters it, but other than that. I understand not wanting to report it at all but why report to one and not the other? I'm not criticizing these victims; I know there's a lot going on…
This article addresses when people are born with both sets of genitalia and the doctors remove one. Does anyone know of accounts where they left both intact? What it was like for the child growing up? Did they keep both or have one removed later? It's something I've been curious about for a while, since I've heard the…
In New Jersey, we often get calls from the Lupus foundation or Big Brothers Big Sisters who let us know when they'll be in the area picking up clothes. I don't know what other organizations do that, but those might be some good places to start.
Adding on about Zip loc bags, you can get bigger sizes to put your clothes in and then let all the air out before you seal it and pack it. This can save a lot of room in your bag.
In the immortal words of President Josiah Bartlett, "This is how statesmen dress, Charlie".
The black woman is the problem and not the black male entertainers/rappers because teenage guys will be wanting teh sex anyway, amirite? But since women are the only ones who have control over pregnancy, the men definitely aren't a problem.
Aaaaaahhhh can't believe I switched those. I think I get confused because in Lioness, one of the other guys suggested she name him Pounce.
Did anyone else think of Pounce (who I believe was dubbed Sir Pounce) from Tamora Pierce's Alanna series?
My boyfriend worked at a Mexican restaurant and someone asked for chips and guatemala.
Okay, I had to create an account to start ranting here. Ranting about women and burgers. I love burgers with a fiery, meaty fashion. Add cheese and bacon and I couldn't be happier. I've even had a burger with peanut butter AND ENJOYED IT.