Yeah, the sounds at the end of boss fights are pretty creepy.
Yeah, the sounds at the end of boss fights are pretty creepy.
Monopoly to learn patience and restraint in order to not beat people up.
Pretty much the exact opposite. I cannot recall which, but one of the research foundations posted an article about how terrorists would be best off using the very old and the very young in their plots, since those groups receive minimal security scrutiny.
My brain must be broken. When i grocery shop, say i go in with a list of 10 items i “need”. Usually i talk myself out of at least 3 of them because i don’t deserve them, or at least don’t need them as badly as i think i do. And then i get home and still have nothing to eat but vegetables and cheese, and curse myself…
This should go without saying. I mean, come on, if you aren’t helping your partner accomplish what they want to do in life, what good are you?
This is historically accurate.
I think they’re saying that the jobs were filled by new hires, rather than absorbed by existing employees, which would negate the premise that the layoffs were related to “downsizing.”
Did you play Donkey Kong Country? I hope you played Donkey Kong Country. If you haven’t played Donkey Kong Country, you should go buy Donkey Kong Country and play Donkey Kong Country. Donkey Kong Country was the only platformer I ever really enjoyed and one of the best video game soundtracks was in Donkey Kong Country…
Yesterday I had one round on that stage with four different dicks in the background. Sometimes multiple dicks at once. What are they even doing?
Would that be the one that said “Giants 6, Cardinals 3”?
Working at a fast food joint, the manager was a really nice man who did charity work with immigrant children on the side, was endlessly cheerful, and so on. I’m working drive-through. Customer orders his food in heavily accented English, and gets abusively irate when I ask him (politely) to repeat his order. I’m…