
Dumb trick for a plateau mood improver: Whenever I get down about a plateau, I get on the scale and look at the number I currently hate, and then grab enough weight to get the scale to say what it said when I started. It always puts things in perspective. For a day, at least.

Is anyone else kindof perplexed at how few dinosaur games there are? You’d think it would be a genre unto itself.

Great! A game that’ll make you never want to live in your own house again.

Alright I’m going to comment on this statement from the article because I’m tired of all the dancing around it. That this guy was into child porn is not a coincidence. There is only one narrative here that fits as far as I’m concerned. Sorry to make it about Josh once again but this particular aspect of the situation

Every time I hear someone say “he was just a kid” I can’t help but think of Tamir Rice. He was 12 and playing with a toy gun when he was gunned down by police for looking like a man with a weapon. And all the support those police officers received because there was no way they could know he was a child, and Rice

Yup whenever someone is like “I HAVE PICTURES OF MY NEWBORN TO SHOW YOU” they always show me a photo of a sleeping baby that looks like EVERY SLEEPING BABY but the thing is, it’s never not cute so why would I say no? It’s one of their most important DIY projects let them be proud.

Oh Jimbob you’re so magnificent with your doughy countenance and your helmet of hair and your insistent willful ignorance *siiiiigh*

This is just the beginning, wait until they start examining episodes of the tv show to prove that the Duggars have been letting the little kids sit on the laps of their older brothers.


I don’t think that’s an adoring gaze. I think it’s a tranquilized up to her eyeballs gaze.

That middle finger gif is probably the most life giving thing I've ever laid eyes on and I look at my own vagina A LOT.

oh man I forgot about John Edwards and the fact that he was a thing and god what a fucking wanker that man is.

god dammit, someone at my office is going to hear me laughing, stop it, you.

Yeah I've never heard of it before this article.

If the Food Babe recommends it... I just have to question whether it is true...

Though, even a broken clock is right twice during the day.

It’s unclear whether she paid for every instance or merely some of them—at one point, Curry states that what she did was “against policy,” while in another, what she did was “against the law.” If it’s the latter, it means she was giving away an employer’s product, which, yes, even if done with the best of intentions

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

College lunch looks like this ... >.>

I see your shrimp hanging from the ceiling and I raise you...

Mario 64 holds amazingly well. Just to think that it was the first truly enjoyable 3D platformer. Just comparing other 3D games from that time period. Or maybe it is my heavily Mario 64 nostalgia soaked brain?