Lew Schiller

Does this take into account the idle time? These vehicles don’t cruise down the road at a constant 45-50 mph. They start and stop. They idle while the carrier pulls up the mail for that stop. They idle while the carrier gets out and goes in back to find and deliver the Amazon packages. They wait a minute for the

All that matters is...did it get clicks

You have great faith in the emotional stability of serious football fans

I’m gone at the first sight of some douche wearing shades indoors - arms folded - in a low angle three quarter profile shot.

I think along a similar line when I see a car bearing both a lot of “relevant” stickers - “Coexist” and the like - on a car with temp tags.

“Oldsmobile sucking on a lemon” was also used back when they were sold.

This deserves more stars

At first glance I thought that thing in the back was a swim platform.

No and that’s pretty much what it amounted to wasn’t it?

The BJ auction was an event back when they had concept cars and the like on offer. I browsed the catalog for this year’s auction and found it  - I dunno - kind of ordinary.

One fine day walkinf into Costco down the main entrance aisle hetro couple stopped and started kissing - making out really - in the middle of the aisle.

My dad would sprinkle Quick on apple slices for us.

That’s hilarious

This would be great on a loop with Yakkity Sax

Thank you. Overall I have had good luck in life.

Roads and bridges: Headlining the 2,702-page bill’s spending, roughly $110 billion of new funds would go toward improving the nation’s roads and bridges, and investments in other major transportation programs.”

firing a gun in a car has to be painfully loud

It is an interesting approach. The question would be how is the team supported past the initial enthusiastic crowd funding.

It’s period correct

In the not to distant future you won’t even be able to buy a generator to power your house in the event of outage