Lew Schiller

Gee! Your hair smells like cigarettes!

There we go..!

I think it would be a hoot to find a nice example of the most lame Corvette and based on that show up at all the shows acting all cool like One Of The Guys.

“Dear god, Biden, please don’t nominate Harris to the Supreme Court. She is your VP and doing that would look like you want to dump her before 2024 when there are lots of eminently qualified sitting judges who would be perfect for the role.”

Cost seems to be unavailable but one source speculates that since the London Taxi conversions runs around £25,000 ($35,000) Mini conversion would likely be that or more to which I say...What?

As they say over at ColdWarMotors...”It’s Rare and Nobody Cares”

And that’s just for the car right? What about the insurance and tags?

I like a car with a friendly face. Apparently I’m in the minority.

Diversion of road taxes and fees into General Fund is a time honored tradition.

“ I bought it last month and decided to sell it. I’m going to put my money into something else.” And so should we.

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Six Feet Under did a great job of capturing the Limo Experience

He was busy driving - which he takes seriously and is difficult in a car with such poor visibility

How is video captured from a plane that crashes?

David...how does it compare to your Valiant? That’s the level playing field. Crazy market aside people complain about cars today being so expensive but they’re all equipped like the Cadillacs of old. The Valiant is what people bought in whatever version was being sold by any given manufacturer.

It’s provenance. The Duke of Kent should know that.

True but Southern labor is still American labor with the plant and equipment still here. Big difference. At least to me.

Right. They can be used as portable air tanks if nothing else.

Outstanding article. Thank you Mercedes!

I agree but take exception to the use of “we”. It was obvious as multi national corporations dismantled American manufacturing plants and shipped them to China that this was a horrible plan yet one condoned by politicians of both parties. It was good to get that “icky smelly plant” out of one’s municipality. They