
Calm down. Eat a Wahlburger. Everything will be alright.

All of the above is why I love the Coen's entire output. Every one of their films (be they dramas or comedies) fit squarely within the thesis that humans are inherently flawed on an individual level, but humanity somehow finds a way.

If only it ended after Act 2…

Totally agree… then I remember No Country. And Fargo. And O Brother. And Big Lebowski. And Raising Arizona. And Blood Simple. And, OH MY GOD THEY'RE SO CONSISTENTLY GOOD.

Um, if the director isn't Turkish, Iranian, Belgian, Korean or Japanese, then what chance did it have? Pfft! The AV Club thumbs its nose at mere Frenchmen!

Also, we get NEGA SCOTT and Scott becoming best friends, sooooo… [thumbs up]

nerd nerdiest nerdly nerding nerduous nerdtacular nerdtastic nerdish nerdology nerdography nerdics nerdhood nerdify nerdition nerdible nerdize nerdicity nerdful nerdness nerdacity nerdible nerdment nerdity nerdict

(ahem) Allow me to rant about the Bradley Cooper joint "Limitless" for a minute. All of the trailers and press materials would have you believe that Robert DeNiro was the bad guy in this film— but alas, he wasn't because point in fact THERE WAS NO BAD GUY IN THIS FILM.

All the upvotes.

S01E01, "Cheesecake": Mr. Combs teaches the students a valuable lesson about friendship and loyalty. Lynese "Babs" Wiley co-stars.

Paul Wahlburger?

Frey Hotels: Be Our Guest

Tully Riverboat Casino: The Loosest Slots in Towne

I was under the impression that we as a society were trying to put this awful act of terrorism in awr reah view. [engages gun-fight at Fenway Park}

Just went back and checked Shea Whigham's IMDB, and holy hell has that guy been on a heater for the past 5 years!

…Also because Shea Whigham and Walton Goggins are both currently filming Danny McBride's new HBO show "Vice-Principals".

But Is he turtley enough for the turtle club?

Not sure if this counts as a quickdraw, but definitely a top-5 favorite Justified scene:

Same, except it was my little brother. I cried.

Hmmm… Kind of surprised they didn't pick up Where Are My Pants?