
All the sax solos on Kaputt??


"Incendies" would like a word… [but yes, this movie was real dusty—I'm not crying, YOU'RE CRYING]

I wonder who the opening act was? Having seen Dead Prez open for Ghostface and lead chants of "f*** whitey", I'd lay the early money on them [also, they're from NY so it fits the story].

I do


She's so talented. It's not posted here, but "Embers" is probably my favorite song of the year so far. Couldn't be more excited for the album.

Good grief!

Oh dear god, just went and listened on youtube and it's 1996 all over again & now I'm calling my mom to ask if I can have a sleepover this weekend.

I'm not a huge music wake-up guy, but when the mood strikes these are the go-tos.

"Sentimental Lady" - Fleetwod Mac/Bob Welch

It's Billy Stewart's "Summertime" for me. To this day it still gives me goosebumps, but what I wouldn't give to go back and hear that opening trill for the first time again…

If we're on board with the idea that this iteration of the story is on a "different level" of the Dark Tower, I actually don't see a need to cast Susannah or Eddie in a racially book-accurate way at all. In fact, I'd love to see a Hispanic-American Susannah, or a Southeast Asian Eddie, etc. In fact, I think it might

Kristen Schaal is a horse

Enough already everybody. We get it. D'yer Makin me crazy.


It may just be because I'm a sucker for resolutions… also I really enjoy anthropology, and Children of God is heavy into that. That said, I respect your opposite opinion!

Same. I always have to hedge that description with: "but like, COOL Jesuits. Like if Gael Garcia Bernal were a neighborhood priest… in space."

A million times yes to The Sparrow! Read it this past fall, and then straight into the sequel Children of God (which may actually be better). I was expecting it to be heavy on sci-fi, but the ruminations on spirituality and the meaning of life are beautifully articulated, and are really the central narrative focus.

They're not trash