

Henry's Crime (he was a vewwy bad kitty)

Sandler was just there to research new names for The Chanukah Song Part III.

Hearing Jazzman is almost as uncomfortable as running into Patti Smith in an elevator and asking her if she ever saw Humble Pie back in the day.

You might even say he brought a knife to a gun-fight! [which is about as clear a metaphor as one can possibly make for Charlie's false facade]

Love that the song in the trailer is by Together Pangea… Excellent under-rated band if you're into garage-rock Wavves-y type stuff.

John C. Reilly for young Chewie?

He's already got experience wearing an earring… You know, like cool kids have these days.

Ah, just realized she's already on there! A little more Courtney attention is always a good thing though… Also, just saw this morning she was nominated for a Grammy for Best New Artist too, so it's nice to see her get some more mainstream* (*old white guy) recognition from an esteemed** (**completely out of touch)

DJ Koze truly is the Cal Ripken of house music.

15 more that deserve love in my opinion:

YES. 100 EMOJI THIS. Scanning other lists, I'm surprised at how little it's being recognized… especially considering how cohesive it is as an album. Top 5 of the year for me personally.

"It's finnnnger-lickin' good" [Aidy Bryant licks Norm's finger]

The highly nutritious mac and cheese dinner Kevin McAllister makes right before he brutally tortures those two violent criminals.

Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl… AND STEVEN!

The correct answer is "moops"

September 1: Bill Simmons leaves Grantland
September 8: Bill Simmons joins Turner/Bleacher Report family with a new site, "www.lardner.com"
October 1: Lardner.com launches with a 12,000 word Oral History of Oral Histories (foreword by Jimmy Kimmel).

You got it, dude.

She's really funny in Pitch Perfect.