
Read the book as well and my impression is that it was a little of both… ESPECIALLY once Hubbard started self-identifying as a messianic leader in the late '50s/early '60s.

Was anybody else thrown off by the MC Escher imagery of "ascending a bridge". How does one ascend a bridge? You CROSS a bridge. You ASCEND a staircase/mountain/ladder.

The yams is the power that be… also a type of tuber.

Is this "the yams"?

And the 2015 award for "Most AV Club Simile" goes to…

Really liked that bus scene as well. It seemed like a "Midnight Cowboy" reference point to me with Mendelsohn as (an alive) Ratso Rizzo.

Things That Made Sense/ I Liked:

Based on my 45 seconds of research, Lil Baby Aidy joins Bob Balaban as the only other member of the Girls/Broad City-verse! Not too shabby.

"I am Lord. Yah yah yah." -Lord

Bad Brains or gtfo


No WAY. In the Game of Girls-iverse it's already established that Varys is def the Hannah, Melisandre is clearly the Jessa, Littlefinger is SUCH a Marnie and Shosh is obvi Sansa.

The only way to get rid of Kevin Bacon is to have sex with someone and pass him on.

Totally agree. His dialogue isn't great, and he's never going to win the Pulitzer, but damn if the man can't weave a tale.

I always thought it was kind of neat that King was so transparent about those later books being a little rushed due to his existentialism after the accident and wanting to get them done.

Having just finished book 7 last week I echo this sentiment exactly. You can tell the point where King hit the metaphorical "top of the rollercoaster" at the end of Book 4, and began bulldozing his way towards wrapping up the story and the character arcs as expediently as he could. That said, I really enjoyed Wolves

More like hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-NO. Am I right guys?

Bejar or gtfo

This truly is the AV-Clubbiest comment section of all time…

The DUFF 2: In it to Wynn It