
Because that’s what happens when extremist self-righteous rhetoric developed within insular communities of grievance gets taken to its limits

Or maybe we shouldn’t be policing the personal creative decisions of artists in a free society?

WHOA. You guys just linked to content from the Ringer without being dismissive, condescending, and deeply butt hurt about it. Congratulations! A new degree of maturity for Deadspin.

But he already averages 25ppg AND would get a max deal from Cleveland in a instant. He’s turning down his eligibility for the super max by getting traded...

Having been to it, I can attest that Saudi is an enormous shithole. What tourists would go there?? They’re deluded if they think they can attract tourism without enormous changes to their legal system.

Get ready for him to come back once again...

Contrarian take: this might be ok. As a disgruntled Knicks fan one of the things I hate most about watching other NBA teams is seeing all the former Knicks who are productive players elsewhere around the league. The Knicks could assemble a pretty decent team if they could just reel back in all the players they’ve let

I think most of the negative reaction to the article is that there’s a big disconnect between the fact that this is an auto-biographical movie that was conceived of and actually written by the star’s white wife about their relationship (was she supposed to write herself out of her own auto-biographical movie about

Or maybe realize that other well-meaning people actually disagree with you about some things and there isn’t one pure, true path of righteousness that perfectly lines up with your exact view points?

That major feature film about Botswana that was in theaters nationwide all spring? Did you see it? That’s exactly what it was about. Its called a United Kingdom and it was pretty good.

Not only did it actually happen. The movie was actually conceived of and WRITTEN by the white woman he married. Was she supposed to write herself out of her own autobiographical movie about herself??

That he uses hair product is not up for debate. Obviously he does. His alt-right comb over bullshit isn’t flapping around out there. It looks glued on. TONS of dapper dan in that bitch.

Nobody yeah, butted her. He said she was amazing, the interviewer then pushed him into making this comparison, which he had no interest in making.


Yes, fine I buy that. But that’s not what McEnroe was asked.

Good point.

The length/range/footspeed is where they’d get her. They can cover *much* more ground to return her volleys/serves than most opponents she faces.

Ok. But do you really think Serena would beat Andy Murray? Really?? If you had to bet $1000 of your own money on it in an even bet, how would you bet?

Like Diana Taurasi is amazing. But could she guard Russell Westbrook or James Harden or beat them 1 on 1? She’d be the first to tell you, no. She really couldn’t. Does that mean she’s not amazing? No!! She’s amazing. It takes nothing at all away from her. Don’t force stupid comparisons. Just accept how amazing she is

He exaggerated on the 700th bit. But isn’t the rest of it true? Can’t we both acknowledge that she’s unprecedentedly awesome and amazing AND that she’d get crushed by someone like Novak D or Andy Murray? She’d presumably admit as much herself if you forced her to answer. Those guys are taller than her, faster than