This is amazing. Thanks to a good human for doing something really important for a fellow human, and for following the instinct to take action.
This is amazing. Thanks to a good human for doing something really important for a fellow human, and for following the instinct to take action.
Yes, it’s not far. But here’s another thought - the guy was working a crappy job to try to save up and get a car. Now that he’s got one, he might be able to find a better paying job that’s further away. He might be able to attend some career training after/before work to get into a career.
Yeah, this. After owning 5 BMWs (and with two still in the garage), the 2-Series with a stick is the only one I’d realistically buy new. They axe that, and the only reason I’m walking into the dealership is to visit the parts counter.
Am I not supposed to like The Strokes? Because, I like The Strokes...a lot.
Hey there! I did that. Me and my friends keep seeing it reposted after more than a year and it warms our little hearts that so many people are wise to the ways of narcs. I posted it on reddit way back when and never thought it’d spread over the entire internet.
I posted this a few months ago (and again earlier today! Because Trump!) but I doubt I was the first. I’ve been hanging on to it to use in the book about narcissism I’ll publish once my mother has died.
Vlade Divac spits out coffee, hastily reaches for phone
I mean this in the nicest way possible...
aww, I got excited because I thought Vijay was throwing up The Roc.
Fuck Jeremy Christian and fuck your disingenuous question.
I can just imagine Ed Hochuli going to town on somebody, then flexing and kissing his biceps as he announces a personal foul call on the mangled heap of human at his feet...
I’m a Cardinals fan *ducks* and I will never forget that homer. He absolutely destroyed Lidge with one swing.
That time he sent Brad Lidge to hell.
Me too. I used to live in Austin and every time Drafthouse does something cool I get sad.
I really miss Alamo Drafthouse. They have such neat events.
Dave Chappelle shouldn’t be embarrassed about saying we should give Trump a chance. I think you should always give people the opportunity to do their job and prove themselves. In this case, Trump has proved that he’s a wildly inconsistent, bizarre, childish man with impulse control issues.
Still the best baseball Dog