We distort, you abide.
We distort, you abide.
Sid and Financy likes to take time out of his day to be a huge dick for no reason at all. Have you considered a career in conservative politics?
Except Fox viewers don’t actually “decide”. They’re not capable of thoughfful deliberation.
thats how it starts and if you are not careful next thing you know you are eating horse shit
Twice in four months now I’ve found myself passionately rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles. I’m beginning to question a lot of things about myself.
This is bad on so many levels. Anyone with half a brain know for a fact not a single Eagles player knelt during the anthem. Not. A. Single. One. Yet this organization uses a player (in this case, Zach Ertz) praying and transposed it to fit the narrative; which is ironic considering Fox’s targeted demographic are…
Sorry, Zach, but Fox News has repeatedly shown that they are not better than this.
That was a drunk santa, get a new slant - Eric Jr.
Fox News being willfully deceptive to support their disingenuous victim narrative? I’m shocked!
Pretty sure she says exactly that:
“My team is ashamed of what we did, and I have realized how wrong it was for my teammates to be singing along to that song.”
Additionally, they aren’t chanting, they are singing along to lyrics. They are doubtless tone-deaf idiots, but they aren’t malicious hateful bigots because they…
“.. but these are, in fact, lyrics in the song. That doesn’t excuse it...”
There has not been a form of Jewish popular culture where the oppressed took ownership of a pejorative... unless, of course, you count Mel Brooks... in fact, he did do it (Springtime for Hitler)... and people everywhere shared in that humor regardless of religion.
That’s because it was a harmless song. People like you are just too dense to see that
The girls are stupid, and white people shouldn’t even sing the word. That said, your reaction here highlights a new trend that is obnoxious.
Have Jewish pop artists made it a mainstay in their popular music for 30 years in this hypothetical? If so, probably.
its DEFINITELY stupid to record and post online. But unless you are ready to have an official law of what words people are and are not allowed to sing along with to recorded music, it is not stupid to sing. perhaps its not smart. but, really, it just...is
She sang along with a song. If you have an issue, have an issue for the song, or is there specific music “for us” and “for them”? That type of mentality is what got us into separate lunch counters, water fountains and schools. It isn’t always us vs them.
Ummm they’re singing to a G.D. song. When did everyone start being so G.D. sensitive about everything. Really poor taste to post this, but when I’m in my F-ing car listening to a song that uses the N word you better believe I say it. You know why? Because I’m signing to a G.D. song. That does not make me racist it…
What contrition should they have for singing a popular song?
So what should happen then? There is zero malicious intent....they were just singing along to a song.