
Stick to sports! Got it. I’m sure Deadspin will mourn for your loss. But, you do know you don’t have to click on a post, especially one that you clearly know is shared from a political site? Or are you a snowflake in need of a safe space from the “leftist?” And what exactly is the liberal agenda that upsets you so

goodbye, account created twenty minutes ago

Good, fuck off

Don't let the door hit you on your backside on your way out. 

If you’d a been there! If you'd a seen it! I betcha you would have done the same

“And then he stuck his neck into my mouth. He stuck his neck into my mouth ten times!”

I’m picturing the cell block tango, except with lionesses now.

In the wild, the males are more transitory, and the females really only want them around when they are in a mood to breed. Matriarch lionesses will only breed with a male that can demonstrate physical dominance, and mating is quite violent, sometimes to the point that the male wounds the female significantly.

If I ever saw 3 lionesses coming at me like that I would assume I was as good as dead. I mean, hell, if I ever saw 3 house cats coming at me like that I would assume I was as good as dead

You’re adorable.

It’s not a serious problem. The serious problem is now doctors are afraid to prescribe patients suffering from chronic pain the medication they need because a few white people died.

Stay the hell away from white kids and white women.

Omg, sign me up now. Am white and willing to do a lot of slapping.

Would it be acceptable to have like a white slapper?

A white person, hired by people of color, to slap the shit out of these chucklefucks? I mean, whats the repercussion I’d face, a ticket?

“I didn't like the games they made. I'm glad they get robbed. I'm a mature person with rational thoughts." 

Chaotic neutral with low charisma is not a spec to bring to a reddit mod campaign. 

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

I think another typo in the production process assumably explains the chronological confusion here. Hopping from 2248 to 2298 and back to 2245 is just one of the hazards you face when you’re fighting the Predater.

Now playing

Now that the song is stuck in my head, we can suffer together