
I have zero desire to get into the mess surrounding Wu (as Gamergate is and always has been toxic as fuck, and founded on a number of fallacy-laden arguments), but I’m just going to put this out there: Comparing a political candidacy to soldiers fighting in World War II, where hundreds of thousands of American

I’m not disagreeing with this; I’m very sympathetic. I’m just pointing out that this processes is not specific to the Trump era, nor to the United States.

By my moral beliefs, political positions, and social worldview, it is totally wrong. That said, it was wrong far before Trump was elected. 

Articles like this give me hope, in that it seems like we spend so much fucking energy on Racism 101, that we can never really get into Racism 203: Colorism and Racism 501: Provisional Privilege and Proximity to Whiteness, which is what this is. And the fact that we are inching to the conversations as a people and a

Didn’t take long for the worst take to be written. Nicely done! 

fuck that. film the cops regardless.

“You people”

Kindly go fuck yourself.

Getting your ass kicked by Mike Ness, apparently.

It has changed by leaps and bounds since then. Every version, even console versions. The best thing they did was get rid of the auction house and change drop rates and added ways to obtain the armor sets. The main thing I’ve done was max out every character to 70 (i’m at paragon 600 and am not an every day player) and

The auction house is completely gone, they reworked all the skills and the game might as well be a sequel at this point with all the changes. I’d highly suggest looking into it again.

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. This is heartbreaking. I don’t know if I’d be able to send my kid back to that school knowing this.

You have to commit fraud on a scale large enough to crash the entire economy to avoid prosecution.  She went too small.  

on one hand, I agree. on the other, there’s an entire other ecosystem largely divorced from the world of traditional reporting that’s *actually* keeping him relevant, and I doubt that this post’s existence has much bearing on that. so in this particular instance, I figure why not make fun of this extremely 2018 farce

My wife and I have an abiding belief that every person on the planet should be made to work at least one year in the service industry, be that retail, food service, customer support, or what have you.

The idea behind this belief is that while having walked a mile in the company shirt won’t stop everyone from shitting

“The Bourne Illness”, starring Matt Bacon

Not joking. I once SAW a restaurant named that.

Face it. Americans would GO to that restaurant!

Same here.  Then again, maybe my dodgy lunch choices have kept my immune system in fighting trim.

Oh, I am aware that I am a petty, petty bitch when it comes to this. I just think people that do it are teaching their kids to steal and something about it makes me extra ragey. Clearly, I need more hobbies.

I have never tried Chipotle. The food bourne illness stories have cemented my desire to never try it. I can go to Taco Bell if I want the shits.

Maybe they should rename Chipotle to Montezuma’s.