
Resorting to the “but think of the kids” defense elides two things:

The first is parental responsibility. I know, I know, parents cannot watch what their children are doing at all times—but they can teach them boundaries, respect for others, and basic adhesion to a moral/ethical code.

Many don’t bother, and thus we end

She may have her opinion on the matter but we shouldn’t ignore why most people (horny kids mostly) flock to these streamers: A partially naked chick live on camera.

Nobody seems to care about the fact that there are men out there that are being manipulated by these women.

That’s a bit of a false equivalency. She’s not painting genitalia, she’s painting her body, with her nipples and genitalia covered.

I lost it at ‘To me, this game looks like how a seizure feels.” 

yes, any kind of substance your body secretes easily becomes a home to big diversity of microorganisms and your ear is a humid, dark and warm place, so you could get an infection from getting your ear canal in contact with the wax of a different person if the said earwax has some harmful amount of an specific bacteria

I’ve been grossed out by my own earbuds; no way I’m sharing yours.


Christ. Tragedy binds disparate peoples in common purpose because nothing unites like a threat from the outside. This is a very basic fact of the human condition.

That FOX wants to take one of the few events in our history that most Americans were able to unite around in some fashion (I was old enough to vote in the

Now playing

Yeah, if Trump is the dysentary that’s currently turning our nation’s GI tract inside out, then Graham and his ilk are the leukemia that ripped up our nation’s immune system and made us so vulnerable to secondary infections. It’s his cynicism, disingenuousness, and plain slimy willingness to stand for no principle

I suspect he doesn’t include “serial abuser” on his resume. 

Assholes tend to find more success than they deserve. 

Have ANY X-Men Legends/Marvel Ultimate Alliance games had interesting puzzles or interesting levels? They’ve ALL been brawlers where 85% of the game is enjoying the power-trip and 15% is unlocking new characters.  I don’t understand what makes this one worse to you in some way?

I’ve been thinking about why so many people in the media and national politics go out of their way to avoid using the word “racist” when describing Trump.

There are a lot of possible answers, of course, including that some of those that would throw stones inhabiting glass houses—but I’ve settled on something that makes

Y’all don’t understand how gutted southerners were when Blue Bell was off the shelves for so long after the listeria problem. We finally got it back and now we have to worry about some kid licking it after she gave her boyfriend head in the Walmart parking lot? Stop fucking with my ice cream, man. Go fuck with some

More likely there were a bunch of skeptics who ordered it and while eating the real meat burgers, thinking they were the Impossible burger, they were saying, “Yuk! This is terrible! It tastes nothing like the real thing!”

When that was pointed out to Santorum’s press secretary, she responded, “It’s a matter of what’s in his heart. He’s a frothy mixture of lubricant and fecal matter as an occasional byproduct of anal sex a strongly pro-life person.”

Bye bye Miss American Pie drove my Ford to the Fjord but the Fjord was dry.

Heh, how many times can you make the joke about big mouth strikes again?

do you have your caps lock on “random?”