
Maybe, also, occasional flash-back scenes so people can get their blood and guts needs satisfied.

So much this!

Yes, you all get it!

I listen to this at least once a year. Mark Hamill is AMAZING as Todd Waineo.

This article is beautiful. Thank you. It doesn’t make me feel any better, because, you know, Donald fucking Trump. But it helped organize this shit a bit better in my head, and for that I thank you.

This is amazing, thank you! It sounds like what the creator of the first and second Metroid soundtracks were inspired by.

Could we get a little more of a reason why you didn’t like the book? I love you Gita, but I find this a little hard to swallow. (See what i did there? Kekeke!)

That’s not fair. I’m a white person and I am not a sadist. I would not drag a kid down a hallway (regardless of race) and am sometimes ashamed of my privilege, but don’t lump us all together like that.

Transistor, Nioh and Bloodborne themes are great. Transistor is the one I keep going back to.

lol, oh no a steam sale!

Thank you for the headline. I read the NPR version of this story and while I appreciate how neutral they try to stay (most of the time) this puts a much finer point on what has actually happened.


^this. Bites me in the ass sometimes, though. I don’t always finish games.

If you have Prime the first two are free :)

If you have Prime the first two are free :)

Seriously, nice try.

She was a thief, you got to beleef, she stole my heart and my cat!

Pizza the hut!

No video? I admit the possibility I missed it.

me o/

I actually went to the Bank of Canada website....am I a gullible idiot or doing it wrong?