
That last one deserved it’s place as best.

I didn’t care for PDP for a long time, after he settled down a little I started to not be annoyed by his bs so much and now I genuinely like him and a lot of his videos. That being said, I didn’t lose respect after this stunt (it’s a very PDP thing to do), but he would have earned some serious cred if he had actually

I think you got your point across just fine. Trying to act like the past is not important dooms us to repeat it, and with a history of human rights violations like we have had in the U.S. we have no excuse to ever forget or gloss over. We either keep pushing up this mountain to the next plateau or we slide back down.

Look what you started Pie-pie!

There are no words for how awesome this is.

Nice. You are the legend. I don’t know if you’re a vulcan, but you’re breaking my heart. ;-)

I will now make an inappropriate comment about my completely appropriate erection.

Holy fucking shit.

I’m not weighing in here one way or another. I’m just curious because it seems to be glossed over. Was Means (the kid) armed, or not?

Thanks for this.




IMO, unless they were commissioned by Nintendo (i.a. owners of the IP) it’s a fan film.

I think what we want is a man who has some fucking integrity. If you take Drumpf’s tiny little penis out of your mouth long enough to look around you will see that HE is the one without consistency. Why are you asking these people for consistency when you don’t seem to give a flying fuck at a rolling donut about our

Sign my tits?

He left while the cast was talking to him? What a great guy. Maybe he was late for his shock therapy session.

I think....we just made your language point?

I wasn’t being scolding or facetious, I actually wanted it dissected more. I can see how it sounded sarcastic. Language is important and if you are going to put out a letter like that to a group of students you should be aware of how everyone may interpret it.

Wow. Pick it apart some more.