Levi Dettwyler

for all we know, Apple devs had it in the works for years,


Wait… this is actually a feature?

Wait, how on earth is it "controversial?"

The title kind of makes it sound like a librarian at some local library discovered a clever Windows hack that no one has ever thought of before. I was thoroughly disappointed when I got to the article body.

The thing is, I don't want to wait that long. I'd much rather just jump right in to what I want to do without having to wait for the 10 or so login items to all try to start at once.

*Replacing all your login items with just one.

It's in the company's best interest to keep journalists updated. Makes them look better and seem more responsible. I was kind of surprised that they said that. Considering that if they're the PR guy, it's basically their job.

Exiting will prevent fonts from syncing to your machine, and will limit access to fonts already installed.

You have to trial-and-error your way through to figure out which one, so connect them back into your computer one by one, and restart.

You'd have to have been living under a rock to argue that Macs don't have malware.

While slightly exaggerated, it was funny nonetheless.

Apple creates products that they themselves want to use. I don't think the Mac is going away anytime soon, because I don't think very many people there want to use Windows. Just look at the sad state of iTunes, Quicktime, and Safari on Windows. They killed off their server offerings because that's not their primary

"How is that ok? When you use a computer you should get access to the computer, your files, and not have to unlock a bunch of stuff through the terminal."

Small pet peeve: "Mac" isn't an acronym. It's just shorthand for "Macintosh." In other words, don't capitalize it. "MAC" means something completely different.

For what?

I've gotten it, and I love Clean my Mac 2 as well. Polished interface and polished functionality. Still waiting for it to hit the 30k mark though, and then I can stop using XtraFinder. XtraFinder is actually pretty good, but as soon as I saw the screenshot of a terminal pane in Path Finder, I was sold.

WorkFlowy is pretty much THE hierarchical note taking service. All items are the same, but you can use them as a category (e.g. "Biology Class") or an actual entry "Photosynthesis: paragraph 1 paragraph 2 paragraph 3". You get to choose how you organize the things you add to it. For my university classes, I'll tend