Levi Dettwyler

WorkFlowy takes advantage of this concept with huge amounts of success. It's pretty much the only way I take notes now. It's a hierarchy, so you can really put just about anything into it - todo lists, a shopping list, course notes, random ideas; just about anything that you can type. You can organize it in

Attention people who think Google is evil and out to get you: you can disable their interest gathering tracking cookie here: http://www.google.com/ads/preferences

Unless you just ask them not to track you. Yes, that's actually an option.

Not if you ask them not to. http://www.google.com/ads/preferences

You realize that you can ask them to not track your interests, right?

It seems like the only thing those fake likes and Amazon searches would do is cause them to recommend things you aren't interested in. For me, at least Amazon gets it right about half the time.

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That screenshot of the death wish only has one search result on Facebook that completely matches it, by the way. May want to blur it if you don't want people going after her for wishing death upon a child.

Well, I'm still fairly disappointed with how you've defended your position thus far, or to be more accurate, failed to do so. Am I to take it that you don't have a good answer to what I consider to be a very simple yet important question? Surely you aren't ignoring me because you don't like it when people call you

Only problem with that is that it requires a few more clicks and isn't a nice simple drop-down search. It can be a bit of a hassle to use sometimes.

An interesting perspective. How do you get an employer interested in you originally? Has this tactic actually worked for you?

Sounds an awful lot like a C.V.

It might have been a better idea to notify a flight attendant rather than taking a picture.

OK… so if we're ignoring the bible now, on what basis do you accuse these people of committing acts of "evil?"

How do you know God said this? Because it's in the bible? What about the other things in the bible, like wearing clothing woven of multiple material, or putting children to death for cursing their father or mother?

I'm really disappointed that you haven't been able to come up with a good response to my question. This is an issue that people commit suicide over; we can't afford to not discuss it.

"i am obviously aware it's ethically immoral"

"despite knowing that it is wrong."

There seems to be some false-equivalency going on here. I sense the perception that intolerance of intolerance is just as bad as intolerance itself, which, when you think about it, makes no bloody sense whatsoever. There are certain things which deserve to be tolerated (sexuality, for instance), and other things

Exactly, it's a reason. Allowing LGBT relationships as an option makes you want to boycott EA games. The exact extent to which this is the case isn't important, because it was significant enough for you to mention it at all. As I said, you seem to have a very negative opinion of choice.