Levi Dettwyler

Guys… I posted that comment over a year ago. Seriously.

Guys… I posted that comment over a year ago. Seriously.

I'm not interested in having other people believe what I believe.

If the last post was mostly meaningless, then we can play this out differently. At some point, you had to accept the reality of your theology. Why did you do that? What made you "know" that your theology was correct? What makes the opposite side of the world wrong?

Religion looks at a different aspect of the world than science.

But surely the core ideas of them should cause some mental conflict? Their philosophies are radically different - one proclaims knowledge by investigation and actively rejects claims without strong evidence (let alone any evidence), and the other proclaims knowledge by one or more of whatever makes you feel better

But surely the whole point of science would have faith thrown out the nearest window, and only allow it back into the room once it's climbed the steps of rigorous testing? If someone could objectively demonstrate that the god popular in whatever region they happened to grow up in does in fact exist, then it's not

It's not splitting hairs - it's a very important distinction. One is simple enough to be fully and decisively answered in a single sentence, and the other has volumes of books written about it.

You pretty strongly stated that you think the idea that they can't coexist is idiotic. I suspect that what you really meant to say is that it's idiotic to think that they shouldn't coexist, or that it's idiotic to think that there are very good reasons for them not coexisting. I challenged your point, by claiming

I was hoping that you would actually respond to my question. Did you not see it?

Sorry to have to put a wet blanket over everyone by intruding, but there isn't really a question of whether or not they can coexist. They obviously can, because there are successful scientists who also profess religious beliefs (see: Francis Collins). A far more interesting question is should they coexist. Their

Here are your two magic words: cdesign proponentsists

For a person of faith, then learning something new in a science class shouldn't shake that faith, but hopefully add to it.

It worked for me. I stopped and thought "what are these people so angry and upset about? *Click* *click* - oh. Hey hang on a second here, I think these guys might be on to something…"

smug, elitist jagoffs

it's difficult to watch this edited footage of a My Little Pony convention concert by Nick Irvin and not be struck by how awkward it is.

Vote: Mega

Should have written it as:

From reading the reviews, it looks like the developer cheated a bunch of his customers out of features they already paid for. Would not recommend supporting this app beyond downloading the free version.

Well, did they win?