Levi Dettwyler

No, those images were taken back when the story first broke, and the code was still in use. However, I just ran a different test and have found some interesting results. Feeding it a screen height of 2000 pixels results in a page size of 2225 pixels. However, I didn't notice the iPad Mini's image being scaled by the

Hang on, I just ran another test. Feeding it a screen height of 2000 pixels results in a page size of 2225 pixels. However, I didn't notice the iPad Mini's image being scaled by the code when smaller resolutions were used, which implies that they were simply using a smaller image when the code was still active.

Hang on, I just ran another test. Feeding it a screen height of 2000 pixels results in a page size of 2225 pixels. However, I didn't notice the iPad Mini's image being scaled by the code when smaller resolutions were used, which implies that they were simply using a smaller image when the code was still active. Very

That image doesn't look right. My own images show that they were actually using a smaller iPad Mini image on their UK site.

At this point I feel like I'm just yelling at a brick wall. Take a look at their US and UK sites when the code was still being used:

"by resizing (IE: making it bigger)"

If you actually bothered to LOOK AT THE CODE, you'll see 310 pixels being explicitly subtracted from something's height. You'll also see the word "Hero" mentioned quite a bit. Guess what "Hero" is? It's the iPad Mini image.

"Then they still had to have the last word with the Javascript bit."

The judge didn't refer to it in the court documents, at least, as far as I'm aware of. The whole "clever code" thing about hiding the apology is baloney. If any of these brilliant bloggers had actually looked at the code themselves and compared their US and UK sites, they would have seen that it actually made the

For fsck sakes, don't you guys research at ALL? They didn't use that code to hide the message. In fact, that code made the message EASIER TO SEE. How many times am I going to have to shout this at you before you get the message?

What I want to know is why everyone thinks that this code was hiding the message without actually bothering to analyze the code itself. It wasn't making it harder to see, it was making it easier. The code that they just removed resized the "Hero" element of the page (the iPad Mini image at the top) to make it

Actually, they did the right thing. The code in question actually makes the iPad Mini image (referred to in the code as "Hero", seriously, learn 2 web inspector) SMALLER. (I posted evidence of this on a top-level comment). However, since it's easier to pander to the ignorant than to try to educate them, they have

They did do it right the first time (unless you're talking about the message contents, which is another matter). The code this article is talking about actually makes it MORE visible, by making the iPad Mini image smaller. Since they've removed it due to all of your complaints and accusations, you have to scroll

No, this is wrong. The code wasn't hiding the message, it was making it more visible. You actually have to scroll MORE now since they removed it.

You do realize that the iPad Mini image on their site is actually BIGGER now, thus "hiding" the text EVEN MORE, right? That "page resizing code" wasn't hiding the message, it was making the iPad Mini image SMALLER, and I can prove it.

You've all been duped. They've actually hidden it MORE now. Before when I visited the UK and US sites, the UK site had a smaller iPad Mini image. Now, the two are the same size. This "clever code" was actually making it EASIER to see, not hiding it. But it's easier to pander to the ignorant than to educate them

I'm not sure which is worse. That this guy got off with a "warning," or the comments below of people defending this man's actions. Sickening.

Unless he did a second interview about that, then you don't remember the question. The question was not pony-related at all; that was all Newell.

Just what we need, higher unemployment for dolphins. Thanks Obama!