Levi Dettwyler

...or simply because you guys were making such a big deal about it, even though I have yet to see any convincing breakdown of the code, aside from complaints about how their site is 316 pixels longer because they added 316 pixels of content. It's easier to pander to the ignorant than to fight them. What specific

For awhile I've always thought that people reporting on this issue have been exaggerating about Apple actually patenting a rounded rectangle. Today, I actually went and looked at the patent myself. While it isn't a patent on all rounded rectangles, it's a patent on rounded rectangles used for "portable displays."


Google buys Twitter, moves data to Google+.

I feel that a lot of people here failed to read the "at an American Predator drone in international airspace" part of the article.

I'd be in if they offered free replacements.

I don't think Google employees are in a position to do something like that. From what I know, user data is stored in an encrypted format and in random locations to prevent such snooping.

"although I don't kid myself that its popularity has anything at all to do with the framing of the image, etc."

Don't go hating on Wave. The good people of Adobe are working to bring it back!


Yeah, and don't even get me started on those OTHER people...apparently, there are these people that go around in commenting threads calling other people losers and pathetic - and, get this - just because they like different things. Can you imagine? Talk about a lack of self-worth!

...it's free...

...and your source is?

They say that this game is about endless tapping. They are correct, but it isn't a cube you tap. It's the "retry" button on the "error connecting to server" message. Not ready for primetime at all.

Make an iPad version and then you can have my money.

Who's Romney? Isn't he that one governor?

"Christians will forever insist that ensoulment is the defining factor, and that an embryo is a person. Moreover, they will not be swayed by arguments from pro-lifers who raise completely separate issues, such as women's rights. And in fact, this points to a fundamental problem in the abortion debate; oftentimes, the

And risk being held in contempt of court or something? That's not a good business model.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the content of their statement, when it was posted, or what the judge wanted. This is about someone finding a piece of javascript code that they don't understand and holding a witch trial.

It made everyone scroll BEFORE they put that notice there. That's just how their website works. Nothing changed when they added that notice except their website got a little bit longer, which they tried to compensate for by making the iPad Mini display smaller (compare their US and UK sites and you'll see what I'm