Gonna screenshot like it's 1999.
Gonna screenshot like it's 1999.
Now run your memory test after having them open for a day. Your results might surprise you.
...and people are surprised that Apple decided to go their own route. Apple didn't abandon Google, Google abandoned Apple.
Uhh... Ok... Now explain what this actually means, policy-wise.
Your name is EVIL! EVIL EVIL EVIL!
I thought it was funny.
So... we split the country every time we disagree about something? Sounds like a silly system.
FarmVille was referenced in the original article covering this paper. It's a good example, as it is a very point-and-click intensive game. Frankly, I don't see any particular reason to actively avoid it. It's just a game.
Go away. The part about tracking the cursor movement patterns was very interesting. This can apply to other games too you know...
They're default OS X folder icons.
Hello Dave.
Umm, are you sure it isn't YOU with the lack of reading? You implied that Apple had two options and picked the wrong one. I said that Apple had 3 options and picked the best one they could have.
I typed this without looking at my screen or my keyboard. It's possible.
How's ~500,000 miles with no accidents?
Chinese user: Wow, this app actually shows my shop!
It doesn't matter who's "better." In your hypothetical world where Apple is stealing your information as well as Google, would you rather both of them be doing it, or just one of them?
Apple actually had 3 options:
The U.S. is not the only country in existence. Turns out, Apple's "iLost" has overall superior coverage of China than Google's maps. Google might be "ahead", sure, but I think it's quite a stretch to say by "a thousand miles."
"20% of trauma professionals believed patients in a permanent coma can be saved by a miracle."