Levi Dettwyler

I don't know, but I'd prefer for images of them to not show up on the front page of io9.

Bell Labs just called. They said fsck you. Guess you touched a nerve.

The cpapitalization of the S is important here.

Have you been reading the articles here at all? They've really stepped-up their anti-Apple bias, especially over Maps.

Haven't you been reading the articles here at all? They've really stepped-up their anti-Apple stance, especially over Maps.

I hear that the maps of China outside the big cities has been vastly improved in Apple's solution over Google's solution.

"PC" typically refers to a Windows computer. Why? Because it's easier to say "Macs and PCs" vs. "Macs and Windows PCs."

That's it. Goodbye Java.

Wow, thanks for posting this! Goodbye clunky web YouTube, and Hello again sexy standard iPad video player. I missed you!

The song choice was brilliant. Interface is very pretty too.

Don't forget about the people! Enough is enough Apple.

Funny thing: replace "drone" with "gun" and you have a similar argument.

"the very fact that the NYPD (which claims to be strongly pursuing him with their 'counter terrorism squad')"

Small note: putting asterisks in place of the letters doesn't make you a better person.

Taken over by Apple haters? Weren't people complaining earlier how it was spewing nothing but Apple love?

What on earth made you think this was sarcastic?

Technically weight also factors in gravity, but since g is constant, you're right. More mass ⇒ more weight and vice-versa.

I enjoyed this post. I think it's interesting that people think the phone is too light. How else would I have found that out?

Nope! Wrong wrong WRONG wrong wrong WRRROOONNNGGGG.

Whereas if they had just built that extra battery in, you would've had no choice in the matter at all.