The take-home point here is that decreasing the weight of a phone does not imply that the phone will be more prone to breaking.
The take-home point here is that decreasing the weight of a phone does not imply that the phone will be more prone to breaking.
This is assuming similar design and structure. The take-home point here is that making a phone lighter does not imply that it will be more prone to break when dropped.
He didn't say they were. Weight (a force) is the acceleration due to gravity * mass of object, but we can ignore the acceleration due to gravity here because it's the same for both phones. This means that greater mass ⇒ greater weight and vice-versa.
Here's an experiment for you: take a pen in one hand and a car in the other. Drop the pen on your left foot and the car on your right. See which one takes more damage.
Doesn't matter WHEN the phone hits the ground, it's HOW HARD it hits. Here's an experiment for you: take a pen in one hand and a car in your other. Drop each one on separate feet.
Uhh, why not?
I guess the cure didn't work that well.
Looks like they fixed it. Either that, or vimeo is bad at embedding.
"This is why trade dress battles are so important to Apple. Try introducing a soda in a container that’s easily mistaken for a Coke bottle and see how far 'har har har, you can’t patent curved glass!' gets you as a defense. If somebody makes a product that can be easily mistaken for an Apple device, then Apple is…
I'd say the 122% speed enhancement is something to bother about. I noticed it immediately after upgrading.
Congratulations! You have somehow manage to both a) generalize acting to "say # words, perform " and b) convince yourself that this is somehow an informative portrayal.
"I don't remember seing this when the Samsung Galaxy SIII was released. "
Well said sir!
Well, this explains their annoying lack of an audio budget. I mean, come on. A street sweeper could balance audio better than these guys!
Linden Lab* (there's no S)
A 10-20 sized control group?
I've followed Freeman's Mind for awhile, so I was slightly familiar with the first chunk of it.
I don't even like it. It's like they took the second hand and put it on backwards. I also prefer my clocks with numbers on them, and am disappointed that this is the only design offered.
Yeah, I wish they'd stop pointing fingers too.