Levi Dettwyler

What about "jury nullification?" If I understand how jury systems are supposed to work, it is their responsibility to decide if a patent was infringing or not, which includes deciding if an issued patent should have even been issued in the first place or not.

Gizmodo really needs to stop telling bad guys how to be better bad guys.

No. Just... no.


Another poor soul claimed by the deadly and mentally debilitating not-reading-the-full-article disease.

Oh great, someone else that only read the Gizmodo snippets.

"I am committed to doubling funding for key research agencies to support scientists and entrepreneurs, so that we can preserve America’s place as the world leader in innovation, and strengthen U.S. leadership in the 21st century’s high-tech knowledge-based economy."

You should try reading everything he actually said, otherwise the conclusions that you've drawn from the above quotes are as valid as the conclusion that Obama thinks that business owners didn't build their businesses just because he said "If you have a business, you didn't build that." ("that" referring to

Now just convince North Korea and Iran of that.

"For example, his “Utility MACT” rule is purportedly aimed at reducing mercury pollution, yet the EPA estimates that the rule will cost $10 billion to reduce mercury pollution by only $6 million (with an “m”)." -Romney

I'm guessing you didn't like Disney's "Peter Pan" very much either.

That's why I said "we."

You do realize that your claim is invalidated the moment a single person says that they found anything posted on lifehacker ever to be useful?

Look at the 5 as well. Notice how its alignment also ignores the tail of the 1.

Reporting on a possible hardware change ≠ making a big deal about it.

Because males forget to fill in that sort of information and females don't?

Seems like you're the only one that's made a big deal about it (here anyways).

Apple updating their iPhone was supposed to be a secret? What?

It's centered by distribution of mass, not by hard width. If it were centered by hard width, it'd hang over the top plateau of the 1 awkwardly. It sometimes looks better to center things based on the main bodies of other objects rather than their tails.

This is a joke, right?