Levi Dettwyler

From what I understand about how iOS animations work, if their battery life is taking a hit because of having installed this, the developers are doing something wrong, or Apple did something that make the app have to actively intervene every time an animation plays.

"The bloggers in question claim to have made it clear they were traveling to IFA on Samsung's dime as press and were going to cover the release of not only Samsung products, but other new gadgets as well."

What qualifies something as having been "legitimately purchased?" You are required to agree to these terms before you "purchase" anything.

Think of it as Black Mesa Source: Episode 1. It's the tram ride all the way up to the lambda core. Xen will be the "next release."

"only just looks better then HL: source"

Sure, because calling anyone that disagrees with you a "fanboy" isn't dismissing their arguments before they're presented AT ALL.


All of those animations should be running on Core Animation, so they shouldn't be using any more processing power than the default Apple ones.

Exactly. Declare yourself the winner before they even reply. That's the way to do it!


Apple hasn't whined about this yet... Jesus Diaz ≠ Apple.

I see you have tabbed browsing on that list. This makes me question the validity of the entire list.

I can see disagreement, but disgust? Really?

Company A invents the wheel. Company B proceeds to copy the wheel. Company B gets sued for it. Company B then invents the tread, and uses it in the creation of a tank, which they use to win the war and destroy Company A.

If consumers crave the familiar with only a little "new", when why was the iPhone successful?

If you're referring to the UI elements "stolen" from Xerox anywhere (you weren't very specific), be aware that Xerox agreed to let Apple in on what they were doing, and was paid to do it. However, Xerox failed to take any of their ideas to market successfully, because at the time the Xerox executives were more

Imagine hearing this 5 years ago.

Introducing the iPi.

Apple and Samsung agreed a long time ago that these proceedings would not impact their other business arrangements.

After using it for a few days, I was really liking the new commenting system. Comments deserve two dimensions of organization. Sure, it could have been tweaked a bit to make it not as annoying to get to the next full thread, but with this one... I really don't know what's going on.