Levi Dettwyler

I'm pretty sure that was Jesus Diaz's take on it, not those of the actual researchers.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is..."

In other words, "a shit-ton of stars."

How on earth it saved her time is anyone's guess though.

"I'll create a GUI using Visual Basic to track his IP."

I still find the story compelling. I'll play it when it comes out, and if Valve screws it up, never forgive them.

I think you might have been trying to make a joke but without appropriate context it failed miserably.

"Just don't upgrade" is a short-term solution for the consumer, and no solution at all for the company that's going to try and make money off of it.

"Without our permission" sounds more like a blanket statement saying "you can't do this," while leaving themselves the flexibility to create exceptions to this in the future. Effectively, I don't think it means what you think it means (i.e. they'll just say "no.")

For those that don't actually read the articles and skip straight to the comments (i.e. me):

Quit nit-picking over semantics. You're well aware of the phrase's mainstream connotations and meaning.

I'm just gonna say that if aliens HAVE actually been visiting earth, then they sent some really, really bad pilots.

Oh please. They obviously meant a "proper" response.

Looking at evidence and then drawing a conclusion ≠ Drawing a conclusion and then looking FOR evidence.

I've never understood why people even bother trying to keep this sort of language away from kids. You'd have better luck fighting global warming with air conditioners.

100% agree, but might just be because I despise Java with a passion.


Trying it out now. Really liking it so far!

"iPhone 5" is more informative than "The new iPhone," which seems to be Apple's name for all their new things. It's hardly stupid.