"To authorities responsible for the measurement and distribution of time"
"To authorities responsible for the measurement and distribution of time"
It is. Ignore the white line. It's not actually part of the diagram. It's just highlighting one of the sets.
A most excellent take sir.
Describing something ≠ explicitly stating it. Because of this, we may describe and therefore prove things about very large numbers, namely that they exist.
We'll never one out of room to represent numbers, because we can just add more notation if we need bigger numbers.
This. This this this this this this.
I can understand a double-post... but triple? How often does someone triple-click on something?
Would you shop at a grocery store that treated their employees like that? Would you not blame the people that shop there for allowing them to continue those practices by continuing to do business with them?
I'm pretty sure there's at least one state that Google's car can drive in.
Does there exist a company that has not had less than successful products? Remember that buttonless iPod with no screen? Me neither.
If you were to cut off all of my sensory inputs, I would still be able to observe the mentioned quality about myself. It is in this regard that I claim independence.
How do you explain the stripes?
Stern look of disapproval.
Well, Samsung basically said "F-You" to the judge when they publicly released "evidence" that the Judge ruled they couldn't present. I wouldn't overestimate the competency of those guys.
Some software knows the contents of my email (Google Ads), even though other software possibly in the same building also knows the contents of my email (Gmail). The horror!
I'm guessing you never played with Legos as kid.
I'm sure Hitler would be proud.
Now you've got it!
As an independent agent, I assess my own existence and conclude that there exists a particular quality which I may observe about myself and only about myself. Is every object endowed with this quality that is only apparent to itself? If so, then what is the physical analog?
A good clue would be if such a life form began questioning things like the nature of consciousness and whether or not his world was nothing but a figment of his imagination.