Levi Dettwyler

What I believe you're describing is the specific quality a given organism may observe about itself but not about any other organism, which many people refer to as "consciousness." It's the unknown nature of this property which gives rise to questions such as "Am I the only real person?" There is currently no known


It's as "intelligent" as any of the organic ones, which isn't very, mind you.

I was thinking the same thing.

Google originally bought their mapping technology from someone else, and look what they've done with it.

EVE Online.

I have no idea why I keep reading this article over, and over, and over again. I don't even play this game. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME

As GLaDOS would say, "We solved science."

You either have to click a little box, or a larger misshapen box that moves your browser page around, has no back button, and exists beneath everything.

Alas, this one has also been exterminated.

Typical Satanists. It's all blood and horror until someone makes off with their yard decor.


I find the funniest part to be that it's $100 more expensive than their tablet (entry-level anyways).

Excellent observation.

Curses! Now I'll never un-see that!

Two-dimensional comment layout. I'm sure we'll all be fine as long as it doesn't go any higher.

Were any of the designers named Flynn by any chance?

Seconded. I immediately lost interest.

Well, for one, you can hold it in any orientation you want (iPhones don't autorotate, to my knowledge). The screen size is the largest factor. It doesn't just make things bigger, it changes the way information is displayed (well-written apps have a completely different UI). For me, the amount of screen space is

Hey guys. Bended is a real word. I know, right?