Levi Dettwyler


Having used both, I don't think it's fair to call the iPad an "inflated iPhone." It's an entirely different device.

Oi, don't go bashing on Metro. Metro is PRETTY.

The comment wasn't to fix your joke. It was to make sure you weren't just misinformed.

Because in the future when you're reincarnated thanks to super advanced technology, you'll receive thirty lashings for your apathy.

I was stupid enough to actually visit heartland.org. I started hunting around the site for what they had to say about things... then I started wondering what their evidence was... then I started reading the word "liberty" and "freedom" a lot... (my stomach is now churning). ...then they started talking about secret

"A is for Axciom, your home-sweet-home."

...which, as it turns out, is also perfectly legal.

I think you interpreted that wrong. The device is creative in the same way a nice piece of art is creative. That's what was meant I think.

Logitech actually makes a cover for the iPad with a keyboard built-in.

PC ≠ Windows, and I will forever hate Apple for the misconception.

Not-so-subtle reference there. Bonus points if anyone ever catches it.

Your top "Aligned" image, while it looks better, doesn't do something that the Giz image succeeds at: showing you exactly how thin the screen is. Yeah, it makes me cringe when I look at it, but probably only because I've read through the comments and now can't un-see it.

No no, it would have been a good joke. It just had a hole in it, in that it doesn't make sense given what they were actually doing.

What on earth would our phones be computing to require that much power? Bill Gates couldn't predict the sort of multimedia we enjoy today. Pocket AI neural networks? Cybernetic i—i-implants-s...?t̘̫̦͈̱͢s̷̘̱-s...?

They didn't test the software running on Windows.

"You're just using it wrong."

These weren't brain scans of Mac vs. PC USERS... they were doing the ANALYSIS of the same brain scans on different platforms.

Wrong platform. Android is mobile, OS X is desktop. Claims of non-fragmentation are for iOS, which is mobile.

I thought the Simpsons used Mapple.