Levi Dettwyler

What sort of big changes would you like to see them make?

Put a "might" in there and everything is made right.

Without NASA, this wouldn't have been possible today. It's not as far-fetched as you think.

See above comment.

Wouldn't that distort what you're seeing on the screen, as it wouldn't be a 1:2 scale? I can imagine that driving some people nuts.

Well, if you're sitting several inches away from your screen, then I guess you're right.

They're selling firewire to thunderbolt adapters.

They changed the Magsafe as part of the designing the internals to make everything fit. Notice how it's shallower.


Yes. All non-retina content will be upscaled perfectly.

They mentioned something about having reduced the glare by 75%. I don't know by what witchcraft this is, but it was mentioned during the WWDC presentation.

No. The new MBP is not half of your computer. (See: any article about it)

I honestly can't remember the last time I used my disc drive. Everything is downloadable now.

The USB ports have been upgraded to a dual 2.0/3.0. There's also thunderbolt, for which there exists converters.

It can be in laptops. (See: MacBook Air derivatives)

Please show me another laptop that is that thin with that great of a screen, looks as beautiful, and has comparable specs. I'm sure there are lots of people with smaller budgets dying to know.

Diablo 3 can. They demoed it at the event. I don't see any reason why any other game couldn't do the same. Sure, you'd need some serious horsepower for that for some games, but if you're THAT sort of gamer... you probably shouldn't be buying a Mac.

"640K is more memory than anyone will ever need."

You hit the nail on the head.

...or none of those?