

“Hey Kamala - how are the couches in there?”

That looks horrendous

If you want more power than the base V6 the next step is the low output Hurricane I6tt which offers 420 hp at 5,200 rpm and 468 lb-ft of torque at 3,500 rpm.  You cite the High Output version as the next step up.  Either way there is a notable gap between the 300hp V6 and the 420hp I6tt.  The Hemi is a fine engine to

To be fair, the article would probably have three times as many typos if he wrote it on an ipad.

He’s a kid - he probably writes this crap on a tablet. Or his phone.

Well, they have a lot of government support don’t they, as anywone with an Apple devise can attest, the Chinese can build excellent things if the price point is there.

I think the bigger news is that Top Gear is still a thing

Why? What’s your case for “needing” 500 hp for operation on the street if you comply with the law?

To make matters even more horrid, one of her children, Natasha, came upon the accident scene by happenstance and found her mother dead on the street.

A moron who left their vehicle and licence information at the dealership before their test drive... can’t run away from that.

But these guys have seen every F&F movie, so they are more than qualified to track on the streets while all of the other cars magically move out of the way for them or leave them just enough room to squeeze through. Clearly this woman was at fault for not having good timing. 

Space and speed aren’t necessarily related. Two cars driving 100 mph bumper to bumper are still going the same speed as two cars driving 100 mph 100 feet apart.

Autopilot is just a lane-keeping assist (LKA) with cruise control. My wife drives a 2023 Model Y and I have a Hyundai Santa Cruz. My Hyundai also has LKA. If you want the Tesla to drive for you, you’d have to upgrade to either “Enhanced Autopilot” or “Full Self-Driving.”


None of the features you mentioned (except for maybe the voltage) are unique in any way and are technologies that have been around for a decade or more. The steer-by-wire is not the first, but is apparently the first without a mechanical fail-safe. So the Cybertruck IS the best at deleting practical engineering and

How about adding “Just be civil to one another.” If someone is trying to merge, don’t speed up to cut them off. Conversely, the person merging owes a wave of thanks to the person who let them in.

Always read the source story:

Always read the source story:

As long as they keep a base model attainable I feel like they can grow the top end as much as they want.  If anything the Z06 and ZR1 help keep Corvette as a whole more affordable.