
Ah, I see the misunderstanding here - you said “she should have filed charges” meaning “she just should have filed charges,” and I read “she should have filed charges” as claiming she hadn’t.

First of all, I really don’t think you grok the whole purpose of “tl;dr”, because you didn’t shorten or simplify. Secondly, your translation of corporatese is wholly incorrect. Any engineer can tell you this actually means "may work but also may fail at literally any time". Which is what we engineers call a

Safety can very much be demographic rather than engineering. There is no engineering reason for an ‘80s Volvo 240 to have a lower death rate than a similar sized Mercedes sedan of the era that was a nearly 20 years newer design by a company that could afford both FAR better engineering and FAR more safety research -

Yep you have to go to the linked article to see that. Also you can pretty much see anything from space these days, so I feel like that term is sort of outdated. It’s more like “you can see how full all of their lots are vs last year from satellite imagery” or something like that. But you know...clicks.

If you really want to see safe, the data is available

Some politicians are technically not worms either.

They should sell those cars.

certain breakdance moves are not worms either - that must infuriate you

Agreed. This is the rational behind suburban parents doing school drop offs in Tahoes and Expeditions. It’s not, “oh no, I’ll be marginally protected when I smash into a reinforced concrete wall!”, it’s “At least if I get into a head on with Timmy’s family’s Corolla I’ll be fine.”

It’s literally the same platform, why is it a note worthy example of parts sharing? Next, you’ll tell me it’s newsworthy that a Chevelle uses the same glass as an El Camino, Tempest, Special, etc? Or is this just another way to shoehorn the 2nd gen Charger into the conversation?

What is it with everyone mentioning cars that share platforms share parts? That is the whole point of platform sharing.....

something needs to be done to get Lawson a seat

I’d also kick Zhou, Lawson and probably Magnussen to the curb

Really a high-quality article you’ve written here, Bradley!

*Looks at title and then looks at author...nods unsurprisingly*

Car wash, nail salon, that sort of thing?

Yeah, that REALLY pisses me off. I’m not sure why.

Of all the things annoying about this guy, it’s the ‘nice try Buttercup’ that gets me the most.  May your CT be plagued by all of the common issues

They got old

Time marched on and they got “old” too.

You’re right on the money. I have an early ludicrous model S and while its... well its ludicrously fast from 0, it starts to lose that “oomph” pretty quickly as you get into highspeeds and beyond. I’d wager my old ~350hp S60R had more passing power past 80mph. More modern motors seem to hold power into higher rpms,